Growing up is one of the most important, yet challenging phases that we must experience. When the majority of us hear the term growing up we mainly think of becoming adults and leaving off to college. However, I find that there is a connection between going to kindergarten and leaving for college. Just think about it! In kindergarten, we were separated from our parents for the first time. While in college, we were separated from them once again. As little ones, we learned to share with each other which helped us in the long run with our college roommates. Networking also arose between the two of these phases which led us to meet new friends. Kindergarten as well college is an important stepping stone that is vital for our development. These events allow us to venture off and meet new people, learn how to share with others, and break away from our parents to become independent.
My first day on the hill was overwhelming! To begin with I was awakened at six in the morning to a day full of packing, loading up my best friend’s SUV, and a very long drive to Normal, Al. I then realized that I was actually leaving off for college! I do not know why but, I had a serious case of the butterflies. There was no way that I was nervous about anything; I was just soo anxious of what was to come that I seemed like a kindergartner on their first day of school. When I drove up to my dorm, I was swarmed by at least three hundred girls whom I was to share this building with. Getting away from my parents was the best feeling ever. My parents will not be here to tell me ar when to sleep, when to eat, when to come home, and where I should be. Those are the main reasons why I love my new college life.
Living with another stranger can be uneasy to adapt to at first. I have to personally share a kitchenette, bathroom, and common area with not only one roommate but three! Some of my roommates are messy, some are tolerable, and some are over obsessive and