The piece Welcome to Holland is today used as an inspiration by many organizations to new parents of children with special needs and disabilities. The piece emphasizes the occurrence of a discovery and then implies that the further discoveries will not always be happy, though contain great meaningfulness, which deeply questions many thoughts of readers. The essay is written in second person as a mother speaking about raising her child, the essay employs excitement whilst going through a hard time when a metaphor of excitement amounts for a vacation to Italy that becomes a disappointment when the plane ends in Holland, this is where Emily allows her first technique which is Dramatic Irony as the title is Welcome To Holland.
The ramifications of particular discoveries in the play Away differ for all individual characters and their situations. The three families are seen as separate beings of the Australian community as they held different class, experiences, attitudes and aspirations. The text is written as a play and opens up with the use of metatheater with a school performance of Shakespeare’s Memorable play A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The irony within the play amounts from the theme of suffering, regeneration and reconciliation, these themes are both the main and most recognised themes from the audience as these themes are both recognised greatly within Welcome to Holland and