The physical certification you need to be a welder consist of being AWS certified. AWS is short for “American Welding Society” and you absolutely need this certification before any company will even let you pick up a stinger. This certification is easy to obtain if you are an experienced welder and needs to be renewed every six months or every time you switch companies. Secondary certifications consist of going to college to master the positions, machine temperatures, and overall welding experience. No matter what, even if you have …show more content…
Welding with a rod is called SMAW (Stick Metal Arc Welding), you will absolutely need to know the type of welding if you are planning to be a pipeliner. SMAW is one of the hardest types of welding to master, and it is the most effective. Most welders start off by learning how to weld with a rod. There are also two more types of welding along with brazing and oxyacetylene cutting. GTAW better known as tig or tungsten arc welding is absolutely the hardest type of welding to learn mostly because you need very steady hands and good hand-eye coordination. GTAW is used to weld very thin metals such as aluminum, copper, etc. GMAW is the easiest type of welding and can be used for mostly anything. Some beginners use this if they cant get SMAW down, this is just an easier route. GMAW isn’t the strongest weld to put on something you want to hold a lot of pressure or something you want to last for a very long