Lit and Comp (12)
Exploratory essay
November 2, 2012
Immigration Laws and Tuition What are some limitations toward immigrant’s tuition when it comes to seeking an education? “New immigration laws have unfairly punished some of the states greatest assets: young people with the ability to gain and desire a college education.” (Simpson 66). Several new immigration laws make it harder for illegal immigrants to qualify for in-state college tuition and bars them from state scholarships. Do immigrants receive any benefits for in-state tuition? Believe it or not, education is an extremely important aspect of a person’s life as well as their future. New immigration laws, not only affect immigrants themselves, but also state students. Currently only 10 states offer in-state tuition for illegal immigrants, according to the American Association of State Colleges and Universities. On the other hand, any other states feel as if, penalizing and punishing their children in hopes of that their parents will go home. Most immigrants are here in the U.S. simply because their parents brought them here. North Carolina pushed bans on illegal immigrant students from attending community colleges, even if they pay more than the cost of their education. There has been a lack of guidance from the U.S., which is why North Carolina wonders if letting undocumented students take classes was a prohibited “benefit” under the 1996 law. No one seems to have a definite answer for immigrants enrolling into colleges or universities. According to my research the 1982 Supreme Court decision, Plyler v. Doe, children who entered the U.S. illegally are entitled to free school from kindergarten through high school. Of course, a college education has absolutely nothing to do with the Supreme Court’s decision. According to Gonzalez, undocumented students who have gone through public school systems should most definitely have a right to apply or be eligible for in-state tuition waivers, “They