
Welfare System Research Paper

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America's welfare system has become beaten and bruised. Although the welfare system started out as an appreciated helping hand for people in need, undoubtedly it has turned into a cycle that can, encourage individuals to hold back from succeeding on their own, through its many programs such as food stamps, low income and housing assistance, to the basic fact of who actually receives the benefits. Welfare was able to dig its roots into America during the time of the Great Depression. At that time, the local and state governments, along with private charities were being overwhelmed with individuals and families seeking the necessities to live. Necessities these families could no longer afford themselves. This is the main point when welfare, …show more content…

At the individual level, many rely too closely on government benefits to live their lives the way they want. The result of this is, cases where individuals choose to turn down promotions at their jobs, because if they take it they will lose some of these benefits. The are stuck between the decision of doing more work for a little more money, or staying where they are at getting the assistance without the extra work. Alos because of the tax, some individuals can actually make more money by doing this than taking the two dollar raise. In his article David quotes a report from the Washington Examiner stating, “A Congressional Research Service report found that the number of able-bodied adults on food stamps has doubled since [the suspend of one rule related to work requirements] in the welfare reform of 2009” (2). Today the mindset has blatantly changed, people used to cower at admitting to something like receiving food stamps, because people didn't want to rely on someone else to take care of them. Today there is next to no shame in admitting reliance on the …show more content…

Nowadays these social welfare programs are putting out as much money as they bring in. It has no backup or safety net of its own for times of crises. Using social security as an example, these programs were all created to fit a time. When social security was created individuals did not have the life span they have today. What they payed in their taxes for social security all their working years is what they got back after retirement, but now the work of this generation is paying for the generations that came before them. Thinking about this begs the question of who will pay for the next generations? It is inevitable that one day unless a change is made soon the system will be too far behind, wanting to rely on a generation who is not even old enough to work yet. As life spans increase and the cost of living goes with it social security can no longer keep up, much like the basic growth of the government dependency. Still as this dependency grows, it will become harder and harder to get away from it. One problem that Kevin Williamson the author of “End Corporate Welfare,” points out is that if, the right thing is unpopular it is very hard for politicians to do. The simple fact is, no one votes for somebody who tells the ugly truth, they rather vote for pretty lies. But when the population does this, nothing gets

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