This essay “Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History” by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, a professor of history at Harvard University and Pulitzer prize winner, She shows how her one small phrase changed women’s outlook on their social standings, Her now famous quote “well behaved women seldom make history” is from the intro of one of her journal articles called “Vertuous Women Found: New England Ministerial Literature, 1668-1735” and has now become a cultural phrase we see frequently, The Author Ulrich knows that history is created by “those who make-or break-laws” (Ulrich), they are remembered in stories, books, history, and gossip and will not be forgotten.…
Today, the world we live is better than it was in the past. As we look back into the past, one must remember and acknowledge what many have gone thru to help structure and establish the world we live in today. Throughout history, women have been consistently mistreated and had fewer rights than men. The laws and rights that are contemporaneous today are a result of groups of courageous proactive social activists in the past who strives for a much needed change. For generations, women and children have been categorized as an inferior race with limited rights. Men, who were often looked at as the head of the household shepherded and supported the family with all their means: “It is the American tradition that men support their families, the wives…
In the essay, "Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History," by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich a well known Professor at Harvard University. Ulrich explains the history of suppressed women in the late 16th century and the meaning behind her quote that made her famous.…
History is often taken for granted in today’s society. Without certain events in our nations past, the America we live in today would be vastly different. More specifically, women in the 21st century would live dramatically different lives if it were not for the women who changed the image of women in America forever. The New Women of the Progressive Era resisted domesticity and the Flapper allowed women to have fun. Rosie the Riveter told women that “We can do it!” while the “Happy Housewife” brought on political and economic changes during the post war era. Though not all of these groups put women in the best light; they all helped form the path for future women of America.…
The material in this book is very important to my life today. In society women are a major part of life in general and without them acquiring their rights I don’t believe we would’ve been as economically and socially stable as we are today. This book did change my perception of history because before reading it I didn’t realize the hardships and struggles that women went through that mean didn’t in history. Women were outstandingly strong and encouraging throughout history. They were great motivation for anyone growing up today facing adversity.…
We as Americans reminisce on history to see and understand the advancements we have accomplished and the same can be said of not only the advancement of women but also the image of how women are portrayed. Although in today’s day and age, their figures and beauty are scrutinized but also exploited. For instance in both Tennessee Williams motion picture, “A Street Car Named Desire” and Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun you are able to see the evolution of the not only the portal of women but also the advancements they accomplish.…
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich claims, “Well-behaved women seldom make history.” By this she means that being ordinary is “well-behaved,” and being obedient does not make changes to anything, but it does pass on tradition of how to behave. Therefore, creating chaos politically draws attention to make it in history. To make a legacy, you must be uniquely different and brave to stand up against the set rules. Women such as Jeannette Rankin is one of that stubborn and demanding person in history. Jeannette Rankin is such an inspiration for women, gives women hope that they can be anything they set their heart to. Jeanette was a suffragist, pacifist, and the first congresswoman. I believe that her education played a significant role in her success. People…
totally new approach to art history never got it back, the have lost it )-:…
1st Essay Since the beginning of history, women have been commended on their natural ability to nurture and their ability to not only nurture children, but everything they take interest in. Unfortunately their interests have always been limited. They are denied the right to be fascinated by anything that doesn’t align with the traditional roles of a woman and that is to: cook, clean, submit to her husband, bear children, and look “pretty”.…
The novel, Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History, by Laurel Ulrich is about women who never intended to make history but did in different ways. History is usually always revolved around men, and not many mention about the women who have helped in creating history. Through the early modern era women showed progress in making the United States a better place. With writers and activists like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Christine de Pizan and Virginia Woolf, the contributions from these individuals they influenced others with bettering our country with different movements that have changed the view of what we see today and what we could have seen if these women did not take any action.…
Throughout history women have created a diverse culture for our nation. Before women took a stance for themselves, history had not evolved, women were greatly disregarded and neglected. Women today have done so much for society and our nation that it is odd to think all of their contributions to American history at one point did not matter. The supremacy of the white male had taken over for a while, but there are different cultures as well as a different gender that has helped and document todays history. Okihiro is a woman that has shown that looking through history from a different point of view can change the outlook that women have set history apart for themselves, and are centered around history. Women have pursued the rational and conceptual roles that are not seen on the outside which give society nowadays a chance to make a name for themselves and to learn about the endowment women have created for the American history. My personal essay will focus on three different aspects; the films, "Murder of Emmett Till," "When You're Smiling", "Ballad of an Unsung Hero" as well as Susan Douglas' book, "Where the Girls Are." I will use each of these coarse documents to contemplate and reflect the statement that women should be used as the central point of American history.…
1840-1890’s women’s activists in the intellectual, social, economic, and political spheres effectively challenged traditional attitudes about women’s place in society” Asses the validity of this statement.…
In a span of 149 years from 1865 to the present day, women have worked hard to gain many rights and liberties that have always been afforded to most men. Key events or specific developments among the 149 years such as gaining the right to vote establishing a political voice, transformations into modern times thus evolving the mindset, making significant contributions during World War II, fighting for pay that is fair and equal to men, and accomplishing a landmark of firsts for women in prestigious positions have all made their mark in history for pushing the boundaries of what the role of a woman…
Lewis, Jone J. (2011). Jeannette rankin quotes. About Women 's History. Retrieved October 1, 2011, from…