Hemlock Sports Boosters
October 15, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order @ 7:13 p.m.
Present: Nikki Culver, Joel Dezelah, John Mulvaney, Dawn Walny, George Herrington, Jenifer Speckhard, Carmen Rowe, Dustin Sensabaugh
September Minutes: Nikki moved to approve minutes as written, John 2nd, motioned carried.
Treasurers Report: September standings are as follows; Checking balance $21,904.28, accounts payable balance $24,782.60, cash on hand -$2,878.32, time certificates in the amount of $25,475.67 which leaves a balance able to disburse of $22,597.35. Dawn motioned to accept the treasurers report as written, Nikki 2nd, motion carried.
Old Business: The football jacket order was received, although it wasn’t the jackets that were ordered, the company sent us capes instead. Joel has made contact with the company and they have told us to keep the capes and they will be shipping out the jackets soon. Joel informed them not to bother with the lettering on them that he would take care of it at a later time.
The stainless steel table was order and assembled and put in the outside concession stand. It looks wonderful and is very functional and gives the concession stand some additional storage space. We currently have a white metal table that we no longer need. If your group is in need of a table, please give a member of the booster a call.
The boosters are still looking for a reliable person or persons to run and manage the youth basketball program. If you or someone you know would be willing to take on this task/job, please contact Nikki or Joel. Nikki will also contact the school to make sure that it is placed on their Face book page.
New Business: Nikki Culver will be retiring as the booster president at the end of the fiscal year. If you are interested in this position, please contact any booster member of come and join our meetings that are held every 3rd Monday of the