The Other Wes Moore is a tale of to young boys growing up within the streets of Baltimore. Both kids fatherless, facing the struggles of poverty and the criticisms of the black community. These individuals grew up to be very different and the circumstances around them concerning society and interactions within the community helped raise each kid to be who they are. In the studies of sociology many people would look at the outside relations. Gangs, the lack of schooling. Even the influence of many liquor and gun stores. These influence people and the way the two Wes Moore’s grew up in this novel. Putting outside forces upon a growing mind, either steering it in the right direction or as the book shows this can lead to gloomy life. On the other hand, in an ethical perspective, these two kids intentions can be examined and how the neighborhood they grew up in tends to play a role in their actions. These two perspectives are similar in a sense, in that the ghetto and community around them cause problems and either drive someone to become something or lose their life within the temptations of evil. The book shows two different perspectives and gives a clear idea of how our surroundings compel people to act. Whether it is good or bad each person is influenced through out their lives bringing them up to be the individual they are.
Both Wes Moore’s grew up in low-income neighborhoods. Hanging out on corners, watching the way the community around them worked to live with the struggles this area in America’s society worked. Many of these communities are immersed in a lot of crime and violence. Each Wes Moore can be seen through out the book trying to fit in fit in with the surrounding community at a young age. Experimenting with different things and “The check-cashing stores instead of banks, the rows of beauty salons, liquor stores, Laundromats, funeral homes, and their graffiti-laced walls were the universal streetscape