b. Muslim civilization has fallen low.
2. Questions related to why and how the Muslim civilization collapsed. Theories given from a western world point of view and an outlook for a future for Muslim civilization.
3.b. The Causes of the fall of Muslim Civilization.
3.c. For a long time the mongols were the favorite villains, Lewis rejects this theory.
The rise of nationalism, Lewis rejects this theory.
Western imperialisim, Lewis rejects this theory.
Antisemitism, Lewis rejects this theory.
Western upsurge – discoveries, scientific, technological, industrial and political revolutions – Lewis accepts this theory.
Muslim religion – Lewis accepts this theory.
4. A sophisticated
form of blame is within the Muslim society itself, religion. Has Islam been an obstacle to freedom, science and economic development? Has fanatical religious authorities contributed to the downfall?
5. Lewis claims that past solutions such as nationalism, western imperialism, antisemitism don’t present answers for the fall of Muslim civilization.
Lewis states that the fall of the Muslim civilization came from within their own society society such as the influence of religion and lack of freedom.
6. I am able to understand Islamic fundamentalists better by reading their view of “what Went Wrong”.
Questions: How would the USA government view this article?