1. Compare the main features of the social structure of the Classical Civilizations in the Mediterranean, China, & India: The social structures in all three of these classical civilizations differ in various ways. In classical India, the social hierarchy was founded upon the very strict caste system. The caste system assigned occupations and regulated marriages. The hierarchy of this civilization was also based off of having husbands being the dominant ones in the family. One Indian code even recommended for wives to worship their husbands. The bottom of the caste system however, was extremely harsh. Low caste system individuals had few legal rights. There was also less personal contact between high and low groups due to their separation.…
The most conspicuous of the Classical Societies developed in Persia, China, India, and the Mediterranean basin. The Classical Societies were known mainly as an enduring legacies. They were known for their influential ways that affected the way people led their lives. Each of the Classical Societies achieved skillful accomplishments. They had their similarity and differences. Although the Classical Societies were similar in ways that they endured for a long period of time and extended authority over large regions, they differed when it came to beliefs and values.…
Collectivists believe the individual should be subordinate to the collective, which may be a group of individuals, a whole society, a state, a nation, a race, or a social class. Thus, collectivism contrasts with individualism, which emphasizes the liberty of the individual.…
Many historians tell of push/pull factors relating to the expansion of the west. Settlers that pushed west went for a variety of reasons, religion, politics, abolition, and to escape the ever growing crowding of the eastern United States. Some did not want new industry, and were uncomfortable with developing cities. The pioneers faced factors that would also pull them west. Sparse crop yield and the promise of gold, furs, and the ability to buy cheap land made the choice to move on easier. Correspondence from other friends and family members telling them of a better life pulled many apart. A lot of people died, but many settlers forged ahead to live a better existence on the new frontier.…
Individualism index measures this dimension and Australia scores highly on this index. Non-western countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America score lowly on this dimension. People have deep ties to their families and communities and gives preference to group interest. The Australian score on this dimension is 90 percent (The Hofstede Center). This high score implies that Australians believe that every person has an individual responsibility to solve his or her own problems instead of relying on other people. The interests of a person are placed first before those of the society. Once a person reaches the age of 18, he or she is expected to look for a job and fend for themselves. In old age, a person will…
In a period about 250 years, the western civilization experiment a series of changes that will shift the medieval world of the 1400 to a brand new modern era by the mid-1600, all aspect of the medieval civilization suffer a notorious changes and transformation that will lead to this transformation and will shape the era where we live today. Politic systems, economical models, educational practices, technology and one of the most affected factors of these times, the religion where one of the many aspect to suffer from this changing factors. All these alterations turn the westerns world from a medieval era passing thru the Renaissance and begin to shape the modern world with a lot of similitude with today society.…
The Assyrians, Neo-Babylonians, and Persians are considered to be amongst the first successful civilizations of first millennium B.C. It can be argued that each civilization was better than the others in terms of treatment of common people, but that’s a issue for another essay. What we want to know right now is, why? What made their model of civilization more effective than that of previous empires?…
Muslims: The first great wave of Muslim expansion had ended at the beginning of the eighth century. Gradually, the Muslims built up a series of sea bases in their occupied territories in North Africa, Spain, and Southern Gaul and began a new series of attacks in the Mediterranean in the ninth century. They raided the southern coasts of Europe, especially Italy, and even threatened Rome in 843.…
"Time is cyclical. Time repeats itself; everyday, everything is reborn and new. History is not just the past but also the future. We are the result of millions years of history."…
The first part of the reading is about Socrates goes around to men that he heard are wise but found them not. He found himself wiser than them even those people are skillful in their area but they are not wiser than Socrates. He said, “I do not think that I know what I do not know”, Socrates thinks that knowledge in the basis of virtue. These poet, artisans and other skillful men think just because they know their area means they know everything, which is consider ignorant by Socrates. Socrates thinks men should recognize what they don’t know so that they can learn about it. Socrates taking humanized approach to the further steps. However he is raising this issue at the time when Athens is busy fighting Sparta and that’s why Athenians were troubled by Socrates. Like Greek ideas about reason, Socrates believes that knowledge is given by God and men should know how to use it.…
What is Western Civilization and how does one describe it? Where does the west begin and were does it end, what exactly is the meaning of civilization? These are the questions that we have to ask ourselves. Because people are often both partial and biased, our definition of Western civilization is going to be comparative to how we see ourselves in this day and age. So let’s take a look into a brief description of what is meant by Western culture, and two specific examples of how the West is different from the rest. And follow up with one example of how the Bible has influenced the West for the better.…
The Cask of Amontillado is a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe in the 19th century. ”The Cask of Amontillado” is a classic tale of revenge and murder, somewhat familiar in most of Poe’s works. In “The Cask of Amontillado” Protagonist Montressor has a vendetta against Antagonist Fortunato for apparently the thousands of “Injuries” Fortunato has caused him, leading to Montressor killing Fortunato. (Poe 74-79) While reading this short story you began to understand the Gothic style that Edgar Allan Poe developed behind his works and gives you a view on what kind of writer Poe really was.…
Collectivism, in its broadest sense, focuses on two key elements: priority of group goals over individual goals and cohesion within social groups. In the case of China, under influences from Confucius teachings, collectivism is regarded as a national virtue. China’s type of collectivism is specifically vertical collectivism, which is based on hierarchical structures of power and on moral and cultural conformity. As such, citizens are expected to conform to a certain standard of moral obligation; anyone who goes against it is shameful for doing so. Furthermore, the hierarchical structures of power gives an individual supreme power over those deemed as having lower ranks under the social hierarchy while requires absolute obidience to those with higher…
Collectivist cultures tend to revolve more around the family or community. Decisions are made from a utilitarian standpoint, and respect for others comes natural from a young age.…
1. Barbarian Pizza is analyzing the prospect of purchasing an additional fire brick oven. The oven costs $200,000 and would be depreciated (straight-line to a salvage value of $120,000 in 10 years. The extra oven would increase annual revenues by $120,000 and annual operating expenses by $90,000. Barbarian’s marginal tax rate is 25%.…