B. Western commercialism an antithesis to Eastern spiritualism; West feels fulfillment on accumulation of wealth ; a trend of persistent efforts and haste in society ; To East a mad competition for materialism is a death to the purpose of life.
C. Contrasting work ethics and resultant degrees of happiness; Eastern culture admires activities serving some useful purpose and west approves of any activity either serving good to humanity or its reverse. Philosophy of being happy with least saves east from being crazy after material gains.
D. West’s negative moral percepts and mental unease; Doctrine of original sin proves every man so wicked as to deserve eternal punishment ; Eastern system describes that all men are born good; to West force …show more content…
This is their positive attitude towards life that makes them able to take sufferings as a part of life, east’s happiness is spiritual not weighed or counted. As said by Taoism ‘he that humbles himself shall be preserved entire. He that bends shall be made straight. He that is empty shall be filled. He that is worn out shall be renewed .He who has little shall succeed. He who has much shall go astray.’ The spiritual nature of east brought it a satisfaction not available to a civilization who counts its happiness in terms of objective success. West’s abstract ideologies make its people perplexed, they are forced to believe in one thing and practice the other.