There are 3 levels of dreams that you can dream. Level 1 dreams are related to our preconscious mind and their content relates more to our normal life. Level 2 dreams are dreams that may provide some insight to the future. Trivial aspects of level 2 dreams can tie …show more content…
into deeper levels. Level 3 dreams relate to our collective unconscious and can involve themes, such as love, transformations, and life and death. A further level are called cosmic dreams which can only be experienced by very strong seers.
There are 5 types of commonly recorded psychic dreams: clairudient, telepathic, clairvoyant, dreams of apparitions, and empathetic dreams. Clairudient dreams involve hearing sounds which portray information. Telepathic dreams involves pulling messages from other energy sources. Clairvoyant dreams involves dreaming of an event or experience that occurs concurrently within the dream. Dreams of apparitions involves dreams where a deceased person appears to give a message to you or for you to relay a message to someone else. Empathetic dreams involve dreams in which an event inspires specific clear and sympathetic feelings and/or sensations.
These 5 dream types are further categorized into 9 major categories. The first category includes dreams that involve threats or danger to yourself. The second category includes dreams that are about your family. The third category includes dreams that involve bonding, often with the opposite sex. The fourth category includes dreams that involve bodily harms or abnormalities. The fifth category includes dreams which have challenges or exploring. The sixth category includes dreams that show you being a superior. The seventh category includes dreams that put the subject in a vulnerable situation. The eighth category includes dreams that involves frustrations and obstructions. The ninth and final category includes dreams that puts the subject in an inferior position.
Western tasseography can be linked back to Medieval fortune tellers.
They used wax, lead, and other molten substances for their readings. This developed to tea leaves in the 17th century. After the Dutch introduced tea to Europe. England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland have produced a lot of practitioners as well as authors in this subject. Middle Eastern cultures use coffee grounds instead of tea leaves.
Tasseography relies most on the querents perception. The reader is ultimately the one who decides if the meaning is to be positive or negative. All questions should be personal and interpretive. To begin, the querent puts one teaspoon of loose leaf tea into a cup and pours hot water until the cup is just about full. As the tea steeps, the querent ponders a question while holding the cup. This should all take place in a silent and tranquil room. Once the tea is lukewarm, the querent can start drinking it, being cautious not to drink any of the leaves in the process.
There should be enough water left over to gently swirl the around the leaves. If the querent and reader aren't the same person, the cup gets handed over to the reader and they swirl the leaves. The swirling of the leaves helps to create an image for the reader to interpret. The next step is to place a napkin on the saucer and turn the cup over onto it for a few minutes. The reader turns the cup back over to start the reading. Any leaves left on the napkin are also part of the
Before starting the reading, it's important for the reader to acknowledge whatever their initial feelings and considerations are. As theses emotions are the strongest symbols. The reader is also the one responsible for writing down whatever they see. Letters and numbers represent a personal significance. Animal and people symbols are also common. Shapes are the most common and more easily to interpret.
Astrology, also known as astromancy, is based on the relationship between astronomical phenomenon and human events. Many different cultures have attached some sort of importance to these astronomical events. The Mayans, Indians and Chinese have all created systems that they use to explain a persons personality and to predict future life events based on celestrial objects. This all depends on the person's birthday as well. There are 12 horoscopes in total.
Aries is the first sign, the sun transits between March 21 and April 20. People born under these dates are called Arians or Ariens. Taurus is the second sign. The sun transits between April 20 and May 20. People born under these dates are called Taureans. Gemini is the third sign and originates from the Gemini constellation. The sun transits between May 21 and June 21.
Cancer is the fourth sign and is associated with the Cancer constellation. The sun transits between June 22 and July 23. Leo is the fifth sign and originates from the Leo constellation. The sun transits between July 23 and August 23. Virgo is the sixth sign and the sun transits between August 23 and September 22. People born under these dates are called Virgos or Virgoans. Libra is the seventh sign. The sun transits between September 23 and October 23.
Scorpio is the eighth sign. The sun transits between October 23 and November 21. People born under these dates are called Scorpio or a Scorpian. Sagittarius is the ninth sign and is associated with the Sagittarius constellation. The sun transits between November 22 and December 21. People born under these dates may be called Sagittarians. Capricorn is the tenth sign and originates from the Capricorn constellation. The sun transits between December 22 and January 20. Aquarius is the eleventh sign and originates from the Aquarius constellation. The sun transits between January 21 and February 18. Pisces is the twelfth sign and originates from the Pisces constellation. The sun transits between February 20 and March 20.