References: Rashid (in press). Criteria for inclusion: 1 b, 2a, 2c, 3a. Source: S.M. Abdur Rashid. REFERENCES Anon. (1981). Early Implementation Projects on Flood Control, Drainage Improvement and Irrigation: Recommendations for Projects in the 1981-1982 Programme. Bangladesh Water Development Board, Dhaka. Unpublished report. Anon. (1985a). Draft Final Report of the National Water Plan Project. Master Plan Organization, Dhaka. Unpublished report. Anon. (1985b). Haor Development Reconnaissance Study: Early Implementation Projects. Bangladesh Water Development Board, Dhaka. Unpublished report. Blower, J.H. (1985). Sundarbans Forest Inventory Project, Bangladesh. Wildlife Conservation in the Sundarbans. Project Report 151. ODA Land Resources Development Centre, Surbiton, U.K. Chowdhury, A.Q. (1986). Bangladesh: Review of the Progress in Aquaculture Activities since 1984. Paper presented at FAO/IPFC Workshop on Strategies for the Management of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Mangrove Ecosystems, Bangkok, Thailand, 23-25 June 1986 Forest Department. (1974). Wet Lands and Water Birds of Bangladesh. Dhaka: Forest Department, Government of the People 's Republic of Bangladesh. Forest Department. (1976). National Report for Bangladesh. In: Smart, M. (ed.), Proc. International Conference on Conservation of Wetlands and Waterfowl, Heiligenhafen, Federal Republic of Germany, 2-6 December 1974: 74-80. Slimbridge: IWRB. Fugler, C.M. (1984). The Commercially Exploited Chelonia of Bangladesh: Taxonomy, Ecology, Reproductive Biology and Ontogeny. Fisheries Information Bulletin Vol.2(l). Bangladesh Fisheries Resources Survey System. Groombridge, B. (1982). The IUCN Amphibia-Reptilia Red Data Book, Part I: Testudines, Crocodylia, Rhynchocephalia. Gland: IUCN. Husain, K.Z. & Sarker, M.S.U. (1984). Report on the Status of some Birds of Bangladesh. Paper presented at ICBP 10th Asian Continental Section Conference, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 21-26 April 1984. Husain, K.Z., Sarker, M.S.U. & Rahman, M.M. (1983). Summer birds of the Sundarbans Nilkamal Sanctuary, Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Zool. 11: 48-51. Islam, A.K.M.N. (1983). A Report on Aquatic Culture in Bangladesh. Fisheries Information Bulletin Vol. 1(2). Bangladesh Fisheries Resources Survey System. Islam, A.K.M.N. & Paul, N. (1978). Hydrobiological Study of the Haor Hakaluki in Sylhet. J. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Sc) 3: 83-92. Islam, M.J. & Khan, F.A. (1988). Timber Volume Inventory. Mangrove Ecosystems Occasional Papers No. 2, May 1988. UNDP/UNESCO Regional Mangroves Project RAS/86/120. IUCN. (1987). Directory of Indomalayan Protected Areas: Bangladesh. Draft report prepared by Protected Areas Data Unit, IUCN Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge. Karpowicz, Z. (1985). Wetlands in East Asia - A Preliminary Review and Inventory. ICBP Study Report No. 6. Cambridge: ICBP. Mahmood, N. (1986). Effects of shrimp farming and other impacts on mangroves of Bangladesh. Paper presented at FAO/IPFC Workshop on Strategies for the Management of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Mangrove Ecosystems, Bangkok, Thailand, 23-25 June 1986. Maitby, E. (1986). Waterlogged Wealth. London & Washington: International Institute for Environment and Development. Millin, D. (1987). Checklist and Status of Birds observed in Bangladesh: February 1984 to April 1987. Unpublished report. Olivier, R.C.D. (1979). Wildlife conservation and management in Bangladesh. UNDP/FAO Project No. BGD/72/005. FAO & Forest Research Institute, Chittagong. Rabanal, H.R. (1984). Integrated Development of the Sundarbans, Bangladesh: Fisheries Integrated Development in the Sundarbans. Report prepared for the Government of Bangladesh by FAO. Rashid, S.M.A. (1986a). Conservation Plan for the Marine Turtles in St. Martin 's Island, Bangladesh. Paper presented at the 5th National Zoological Conference, Chittagong University. Rashid, S.M.A. (1986b). Problems of Wildlife Conservation in Bangladesh, with emphasis on the National Parks and Sanctuaries. Paper presented at the International Seminar-cum-Workshop on Wildlife Conservation in Bangladesh, Dhaka, 1-4 December 1986. Rashid, S.M.A. (1987). Conservation Priority for Durgapur Forested Area, North Mymensingh. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Science Conference of BAAS, Jahangirnagar University. Rashid, S.M.A. (in press). Some observations on the waders on some islands in the Lower Gangetic Delta, Greater Noakhali District, Bangladesh. The Stilt: Newsletter of the Australian Wader Study Group and R.A.O.U. Rashid, S.M.A. & Khan, A.Z. (1986). Preliminary survey of the Gharials Gavialis gangeticus in the Padma, Bangladesh. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Science Conference, Rajshahi University. Rashid, S.M.A. & Khan, A.Z. (1987). Waterfowl of the Teknaf Peninsula, Bangladesh. Paper presented at the Conference on Wetland and Waterfowl Conservation in Asia, Malacca, Malaysia, 23-28 February 1987. IWRB & Interwader. Rashid, S.M.A. & Scott, D.A. (in press). Some Waders of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest. The Stilt: Newsletter of RAOU & AWSG. Reza Khan, M.A. (1980). The "Holy" Turtle of Bangladesh. Hornbill 1980(4): 7-11. Reza Khan, M.A. (1982). Wildlife of Bangladesh: A Checklist. Dhaka University of Dhaka. Reza Khan, M.A. (1985). Future Conservation Directions for Bangladesh. In: Thorsell, J.W. (ed.), Conserving Asia 's Natural Heritage: The Planning and Management of Protected Areas in the Indomalayan Realm: 114-122. Gland: IUCN. Reza Khan, M.A. (1986a). Wildlife in Bangladesh Mangrove Ecosystem. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 83: 32-48. Reza Khan, M.A. (1986b). The threatened White-winged Wood Duck Cairina scutulata in Bangladesh. Forktail 2: 97-101. Salter, R.E. (1984). Integrated Development of the Sundarbans, Bangladesh: Status and Utilization of Wildlife. FO: TCP/BGD/2309(MF). Report No. W/R0034. Rome: FAO. Sarker, M.S.U. (1985a). Density, Productivity and Biomass of Raptorial Birds of the Sundarbans, Bangladesh. Proc. SAARC Seminar, Biomass Production. Dhaka, 1985. Sarker, M.S.U. (1985b). Ecological observation on the endangered White-bellied Sea-Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster (Gmelin) in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh. In: Symposium on Endangered Marine Animals and Marine Parks. Vol. 4. Endangered and/or vulnerable other marine invertebrates and vertebrates. Paper No. 58. Cochin: Marine Biological Association of India. Sarker, M.S.U. (1986). Management of the Wildlife in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh. Paper presented at the International Seminar cum Workshop on Wildlife Conservation in Bangladesh, Dhaka, 1-4 December 1986. Sarker, M.S.U., Reza Khan, M.A. & Rashid, S.M.A. (1984). Species Status Reports for Bangladesh. World Working Group on Storks, Ibises and Spoonbills, Report No. 2: 17. Sarker, M.S.U. & Sarker, N.J. (1985). Birds of Prey and their Conservation in the Sundarbans Mangrove Forests, Khulna, Bangladesh. In: Conservation of Birds of Prey: 205-209. ICBP Technical Publication No. 5. Cambridge: ICBP. Sarker, M.S.U. & Sarker, N.J. (1986). Status and Distribution of Birds of the Sundarbans, Bangladesh. Journal of Noami 3: 19-33. Sarker, N.M. & Faziul Huq, A.K.M. (1985). Protected Areas of Bangladesh. In: Thorsell, J.W. (ed.), Conserving Asia 's Natural Heritage: The Planning and Management of Protected Areas in the Indomalayan Realm: 36-38. Gland: IUCN. Savage, C.D.W. (1970). Status of the Main Wildfowl Resorts in Pakistan. In: Isakov, Y.A. (ed.), Proc. International Regional Meeting on Conservation of Wildfowl Resources, Leningrad, USSR, 25-30 September 1968: 333-334. Moscow. Savage, C.D.W. & Abdulali, H. (1970). Status of Wildfowl Species in East Pakistan and West Bengal. In: Isakov, Y.A. (ed.), Proc. International Regional Meeting on Conservation of Wildfowl Resources, Leningrad, USSR, 25-30 September 1968: 207-209. Moscow. Seidensticker, J. & Hal, M.A. (1983). The Sundarbans Wildlife Management Plan: Conservation in the Bangladesh Coastal Zone. Gland: IUCN. Shafi, M. & Quddus, M.M.A. (1982). Bangladesher Maytsha Shampad. (Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh). Unpublished report. Shahid, M.A., Billah, M.M. & Choudhury, M.N.N. (undated). Remote Sensing Application for the Indentification of Fish Resources in the Hail Haor, Srimangal, Sylhet. Dhaka: SPARRSO. Tsai, C. & Au, L. (1984). Open Water Fisheries (Carp): Management Programme in Bangladesh. Fisheries Information Bulletin Vol. 2(4). Bangladesh Fisheries Resources Survey System. van der Yen, J. (1987). Asian Waterfowl 1987: Midwinter Bird Observations in some Asian Countries. Slimbridge, IWRB.
References: Rashid (in press). Criteria for inclusion: 1 b, 2a, 2c, 3a. Source: S.M. Abdur Rashid. REFERENCES Anon. (1981). Early Implementation Projects on Flood Control, Drainage Improvement and Irrigation: Recommendations for Projects in the 1981-1982 Programme. Bangladesh Water Development Board, Dhaka. Unpublished report. Anon. (1985a). Draft Final Report of the National Water Plan Project. Master Plan Organization, Dhaka. Unpublished report. Anon. (1985b). Haor Development Reconnaissance Study: Early Implementation Projects. Bangladesh Water Development Board, Dhaka. Unpublished report. Blower, J.H. (1985). Sundarbans Forest Inventory Project, Bangladesh. Wildlife Conservation in the Sundarbans. Project Report 151. ODA Land Resources Development Centre, Surbiton, U.K. Chowdhury, A.Q. (1986). Bangladesh: Review of the Progress in Aquaculture Activities since 1984. Paper presented at FAO/IPFC Workshop on Strategies for the Management of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Mangrove Ecosystems, Bangkok, Thailand, 23-25 June 1986 Forest Department. (1974). Wet Lands and Water Birds of Bangladesh. Dhaka: Forest Department, Government of the People 's Republic of Bangladesh. Forest Department. (1976). National Report for Bangladesh. In: Smart, M. (ed.), Proc. International Conference on Conservation of Wetlands and Waterfowl, Heiligenhafen, Federal Republic of Germany, 2-6 December 1974: 74-80. Slimbridge: IWRB. Fugler, C.M. (1984). The Commercially Exploited Chelonia of Bangladesh: Taxonomy, Ecology, Reproductive Biology and Ontogeny. Fisheries Information Bulletin Vol.2(l). Bangladesh Fisheries Resources Survey System. Groombridge, B. (1982). The IUCN Amphibia-Reptilia Red Data Book, Part I: Testudines, Crocodylia, Rhynchocephalia. Gland: IUCN. Husain, K.Z. & Sarker, M.S.U. (1984). Report on the Status of some Birds of Bangladesh. Paper presented at ICBP 10th Asian Continental Section Conference, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 21-26 April 1984. Husain, K.Z., Sarker, M.S.U. & Rahman, M.M. (1983). Summer birds of the Sundarbans Nilkamal Sanctuary, Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Zool. 11: 48-51. Islam, A.K.M.N. (1983). A Report on Aquatic Culture in Bangladesh. Fisheries Information Bulletin Vol. 1(2). Bangladesh Fisheries Resources Survey System. Islam, A.K.M.N. & Paul, N. (1978). Hydrobiological Study of the Haor Hakaluki in Sylhet. J. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Sc) 3: 83-92. Islam, M.J. & Khan, F.A. (1988). Timber Volume Inventory. Mangrove Ecosystems Occasional Papers No. 2, May 1988. UNDP/UNESCO Regional Mangroves Project RAS/86/120. IUCN. (1987). Directory of Indomalayan Protected Areas: Bangladesh. Draft report prepared by Protected Areas Data Unit, IUCN Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge. Karpowicz, Z. (1985). Wetlands in East Asia - A Preliminary Review and Inventory. ICBP Study Report No. 6. Cambridge: ICBP. Mahmood, N. (1986). Effects of shrimp farming and other impacts on mangroves of Bangladesh. Paper presented at FAO/IPFC Workshop on Strategies for the Management of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Mangrove Ecosystems, Bangkok, Thailand, 23-25 June 1986. Maitby, E. (1986). Waterlogged Wealth. London & Washington: International Institute for Environment and Development. Millin, D. (1987). Checklist and Status of Birds observed in Bangladesh: February 1984 to April 1987. Unpublished report. Olivier, R.C.D. (1979). Wildlife conservation and management in Bangladesh. UNDP/FAO Project No. BGD/72/005. FAO & Forest Research Institute, Chittagong. Rabanal, H.R. (1984). Integrated Development of the Sundarbans, Bangladesh: Fisheries Integrated Development in the Sundarbans. Report prepared for the Government of Bangladesh by FAO. Rashid, S.M.A. (1986a). Conservation Plan for the Marine Turtles in St. Martin 's Island, Bangladesh. Paper presented at the 5th National Zoological Conference, Chittagong University. Rashid, S.M.A. (1986b). Problems of Wildlife Conservation in Bangladesh, with emphasis on the National Parks and Sanctuaries. Paper presented at the International Seminar-cum-Workshop on Wildlife Conservation in Bangladesh, Dhaka, 1-4 December 1986. Rashid, S.M.A. (1987). Conservation Priority for Durgapur Forested Area, North Mymensingh. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Science Conference of BAAS, Jahangirnagar University. Rashid, S.M.A. (in press). Some observations on the waders on some islands in the Lower Gangetic Delta, Greater Noakhali District, Bangladesh. The Stilt: Newsletter of the Australian Wader Study Group and R.A.O.U. Rashid, S.M.A. & Khan, A.Z. (1986). Preliminary survey of the Gharials Gavialis gangeticus in the Padma, Bangladesh. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Science Conference, Rajshahi University. Rashid, S.M.A. & Khan, A.Z. (1987). Waterfowl of the Teknaf Peninsula, Bangladesh. Paper presented at the Conference on Wetland and Waterfowl Conservation in Asia, Malacca, Malaysia, 23-28 February 1987. IWRB & Interwader. Rashid, S.M.A. & Scott, D.A. (in press). Some Waders of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest. The Stilt: Newsletter of RAOU & AWSG. Reza Khan, M.A. (1980). The "Holy" Turtle of Bangladesh. Hornbill 1980(4): 7-11. Reza Khan, M.A. (1982). Wildlife of Bangladesh: A Checklist. Dhaka University of Dhaka. Reza Khan, M.A. (1985). Future Conservation Directions for Bangladesh. In: Thorsell, J.W. (ed.), Conserving Asia 's Natural Heritage: The Planning and Management of Protected Areas in the Indomalayan Realm: 114-122. Gland: IUCN. Reza Khan, M.A. (1986a). Wildlife in Bangladesh Mangrove Ecosystem. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 83: 32-48. Reza Khan, M.A. (1986b). The threatened White-winged Wood Duck Cairina scutulata in Bangladesh. Forktail 2: 97-101. Salter, R.E. (1984). Integrated Development of the Sundarbans, Bangladesh: Status and Utilization of Wildlife. FO: TCP/BGD/2309(MF). Report No. W/R0034. Rome: FAO. Sarker, M.S.U. (1985a). Density, Productivity and Biomass of Raptorial Birds of the Sundarbans, Bangladesh. Proc. SAARC Seminar, Biomass Production. Dhaka, 1985. Sarker, M.S.U. (1985b). Ecological observation on the endangered White-bellied Sea-Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster (Gmelin) in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh. In: Symposium on Endangered Marine Animals and Marine Parks. Vol. 4. Endangered and/or vulnerable other marine invertebrates and vertebrates. Paper No. 58. Cochin: Marine Biological Association of India. Sarker, M.S.U. (1986). Management of the Wildlife in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh. Paper presented at the International Seminar cum Workshop on Wildlife Conservation in Bangladesh, Dhaka, 1-4 December 1986. Sarker, M.S.U., Reza Khan, M.A. & Rashid, S.M.A. (1984). Species Status Reports for Bangladesh. World Working Group on Storks, Ibises and Spoonbills, Report No. 2: 17. Sarker, M.S.U. & Sarker, N.J. (1985). Birds of Prey and their Conservation in the Sundarbans Mangrove Forests, Khulna, Bangladesh. In: Conservation of Birds of Prey: 205-209. ICBP Technical Publication No. 5. Cambridge: ICBP. Sarker, M.S.U. & Sarker, N.J. (1986). Status and Distribution of Birds of the Sundarbans, Bangladesh. Journal of Noami 3: 19-33. Sarker, N.M. & Faziul Huq, A.K.M. (1985). Protected Areas of Bangladesh. In: Thorsell, J.W. (ed.), Conserving Asia 's Natural Heritage: The Planning and Management of Protected Areas in the Indomalayan Realm: 36-38. Gland: IUCN. Savage, C.D.W. (1970). Status of the Main Wildfowl Resorts in Pakistan. In: Isakov, Y.A. (ed.), Proc. International Regional Meeting on Conservation of Wildfowl Resources, Leningrad, USSR, 25-30 September 1968: 333-334. Moscow. Savage, C.D.W. & Abdulali, H. (1970). Status of Wildfowl Species in East Pakistan and West Bengal. In: Isakov, Y.A. (ed.), Proc. International Regional Meeting on Conservation of Wildfowl Resources, Leningrad, USSR, 25-30 September 1968: 207-209. Moscow. Seidensticker, J. & Hal, M.A. (1983). The Sundarbans Wildlife Management Plan: Conservation in the Bangladesh Coastal Zone. Gland: IUCN. Shafi, M. & Quddus, M.M.A. (1982). Bangladesher Maytsha Shampad. (Fisheries Resources of Bangladesh). Unpublished report. Shahid, M.A., Billah, M.M. & Choudhury, M.N.N. (undated). Remote Sensing Application for the Indentification of Fish Resources in the Hail Haor, Srimangal, Sylhet. Dhaka: SPARRSO. Tsai, C. & Au, L. (1984). Open Water Fisheries (Carp): Management Programme in Bangladesh. Fisheries Information Bulletin Vol. 2(4). Bangladesh Fisheries Resources Survey System. van der Yen, J. (1987). Asian Waterfowl 1987: Midwinter Bird Observations in some Asian Countries. Slimbridge, IWRB.