Western Governors University
Population/Economic Assessment
Chesterfield County, Virginia has a population of about 328,000 as of January 1, 2014 with 752 people per square mile. There was a 3.6% increase in the population from April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2013. 65.4% of the population is white non-Hispanic, 21.6% are black non-Hispanic, 7.2% are Hispanic, 3.2% are Asian and 2.1% are two or more races. In 2012 there were 3657 births and 1654 deaths in Chesterfield County. They are rated as being safer than 50% of the cities in the US with 41 violent and 1049 crimes against property (Crime rates for Chesterfield, VA, n.d.).
The average household income for all races in Chesterfield County, VA is $71,110. The median income for the White population is $74,820, $66,931 for Blacks, $71,713 for Asians and $48,449 for Hispanics. The highest median income came from married couples and Hispanics had the lowest median income at 31% lower than the average median income. There was a 7.4% total decrease in income for all races. During the time period of 2005-2011 there was a 9% decrease in the white population income, 11.4% increase in Blacks income, a 10% increase in Asians income and an 11.9% decrease in Hispanic income.
16.2% of Hispanics live below poverty level, 8.1% of Blacks, 6.5% of Whites and only 4.2% of Asians. Poverty rates are higher among families where women are head of household. Females have a higher poverty rate at 7.7% while males have a poverty rate at 5.5%. The highest poverty was among children 18 years old at 9.3% and the lowest was for people 65 years and older ay 5.5%. In 2009 526 students in Chesterfield County Public Schools were homeless or without a permanent address which was a 45% rise from the previous year (2013 Chesterfield County Income and Poverty Report, 2013).
The unemployment rate for Chesterfield County residents in 2012 was 5.3%. 1.2% of households
Cited: 2013 Chesterfield County Income and Poverty Report (2013). Demographics Studies and Community Information http://www.chesterfield.gov/planning.aspx?ID=3436#demographic 2013 Natural Resource Indicator Report (2014) Information. Retrieved July 12, 2014 from http://www.chesterfield.gov/planning.aspx?ID=3436#demographic Chesterfield County, VA Emergency Operation Plan Basic Plan (2012). Retrieved July 7, 2014 from www.chesterfield.gov/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=8589943253 Chesterfield County, Virginia (2013) http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/OMHHE/healthequity/minorityhealth/documents/va_healthindicators/Tour%20of%20VA_Henrico_Richmond_Chesterfield.pdf Virginia Superfund Sites (2013)