Operations and processes are the activities of each organisation that drive their output. This assignment examines the operation and processes of the IT services of a semi-government organisation. It demonstrates the current state of the operations and provides comprehensive analysis of its processes. It demonstrates how the operations performance impacts the strategic outcomes of the organisation. The study further provides insights in the operations supply network configuration and how can it aim to achieve lean synchronisation by eliminating wastes from its processes.
This study will also provide recommendation on supply network configuration changes, internal process changes and provide a comparison of its performance objectives based on current state and future state. …show more content…
This was really effective initially but as the organisation grew there were much inefficiency in its back office processes that were identified. In addition to this, a further growth forecast is declared by the state government indicating that an additional 10 PDA’s will be declared in the next 3 years which will add significant capacity pressure on ULDA’s operations.
For the purpose of this assignment, I will focus on inefficiencies within IT services which are discussed in more details below.
3 Operations and Process Issues
The current arrangement of providing IT services to ULDA businesses was through an External service provider (ESP). As shown in diagram 1.1 External service provider is the first tier supplier which supplies IT services to ULDA IT and ULDA IT will then collaborate all IT activities and provides further services to first tier customers (ULDA Staff).
Diagram 1.1: Supply Network Configuration (Slack, Brandon-Jones, Johnston and Betts, 2012,