The budget request for FY 2007/2008 includes the following information for implementing a VoIP telephone system. Some of the cost associate with this request includes VoIP consulting which can range from $75 to $500 per hour. The cost will be $150 - $250 per hour, totaling $2,400 - $4,000 for consultant. For budget purpose, we will use the higher amount of $4,000. We will require 16 hours of consultant time on this project to lay out the hardware requirement, software, calling structure and training requirement for the staff.
Another area on the budget request is the landline phone expense, totaling $7,500 per month for 120 lines, voice mail and other related services through the current carrier, totaling a yearly charge of $90,000. Changing over to VoIP telephone system, can reduce the number of lines from 120 to 24 lines to handle fax machines, alarm system or any other analogy POTS line the company may need, in addition to E911 service. Some POTS line will not move over to VoIP service at this time and taking into account additional bandwidth requirement. Removing 96 lines will result in a monthly saving $6,000 per month or $72,000 yearly. The monthly cost for the 24 lines will be $1,500 or $18,000 yearly. The VoIP telephone system unified communication systems will handle voicemail service locally and not through the telephone provider.
In addition, the vendor will train all employees as part of the implementation of the VoIP, but IT staff will require 8 hours of training at $125 per hour costing $1,000 to learn how to administer setup and make changes to the VoIP telephone systems. Additional training for IT staff will be budget for two years to ensure the IT staff has a good understanding and working knowledge of the IP PBX system and any unresolved question after completing the first year training.
The biggest cost of moving to VoIP telephone system is the hardware cost associated with the