Western Governors University
Multimedia Presentation
What is an EMR? Importance of Information Access Personal Health Information (PHI) Security Quality Improvement Roles of Implementation Team
Discussion Conclusion References
What is an EMR?
EMR stands for Electronic Medical Records. It is “a paperless, digital and computerized system of maintaining patient data, designed to increase the efficiency and reduce documentation errors by streamlining the process.” (Santiago, n.d., para. 1)
Santiago, A. (n.d.). EMR - what is EMR? Retrieved from http://healthcareers.about.com/od/h/g/EMR.htm
Importance of Information Access
How will the EMR system benefit nurses in their work with patients?
Patient information is centralized and readily available. Built in safety measures for medications. Assessment data suggests care plans and additional assessments that may be needed. Decreased risk of transcription errors and misread handwritten items. More time at the bedside.
Orlovsky, C. (n.d.). The endless nursing benefits of electronic medical records. Retrieved from http://www.nursezone.com/nursing-news-events/devices-and-technology/The-Endless-Nursing-Benefitsof-Electronic-Medical-Records_24676.aspx
Patient information is centralized…
EMRs allow all patient data to be contained in one area. This facilitates coordination of care among providers, as well as providing quick and easy access to patient information. (Esche, 2011)
Esche, I. (2011). Despite risks, electronic medical records will likely soon replace paper-based records. Retrieved from http://www.stlr.org/2011/03/despite-risks-electronic-medical-records-will-likely-soonreplace-paper-based-records/
…and readily available
Instant access to records allows for updates, additions or corrections to be entered in a more timely manner. Charting can be completed while still at the bedside, improving accuracy and streamlining the work process. ("What Are The
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