Romanticism and Realism
In the late 18th century when the Industrial Revolution started to spread from England to other countries such as France, Spain and Germany and even in the U.S, the changes that its dynamic brought to the society were drastic and radically different of what people were used to until then. The work hours become longer; young children and their parents were working most of the time; new factories opened up and old villages now were the main workforce source to keep the production level up to the demand and supply requests. Villages started turning into urban centers, crowded by large number of people; poor people that lived in squalor; dirty environment that was suffering the consequences of the new industrialized era that had come. In a world where everything was changing rapidly, where the trade market and economy where shaping the form that life was taking, there were still people among the crowded urban areas that looked back with nostalgia and respect for what they had before. Longing and striving to keep the romantic past still among them, they turned to pictures and literacy to resolve the matters of heart, resolving mysteries of life and rebelling against the social orders and religion that had taken place. This started an intellectual and artistic movement that raged against the established values of the society and saw nature as a sanctuary to discover self, spiritual satisfaction and finding answers in the magic and the strong beauty of nature. This movement started what is called the Romanticism era. Romantics stood by their essence that emphasized the spirituality, free expression, deep feelings into someone’s life as a form of rebellion against the dehumanizing effects of the industrialization. They strived to trigger an emotional response with their art work; bring the nostalgia for the pastoral life, power of nature and grandeur
References: McKay, Kate. & McKay, Brett . (March 3, 2011.)The Basics of Art: The Romantic Period. The art of Manliness. Retrieved from: http://artofmanliness.com/2011/03/03/the-basics-of-art-the-romantic-period/ Moffat, Charles.(2006).Romanticism, The Art History Archive – Romanticist Art. The art history archive. Retrieved from: http://www.arthistoryarchive.com/arthistory/romanticism/arthistory_romanticism.html The Realism Art Movement. Arts My Passions. Retrieved from: http://www.artsmypassion.com/articles.asp?ID=306 Miller, A.(April 16,2010).Realism. Standford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy .Retrieved from: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/realism/ Nineteenth - Century French Realism . Heilbrunn Timeline Of Art History. Retrieved from: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/rlsm/hd_rlsm.htm