Whale Rider follows the struggles of young Pai to win the love and respect of her gruff and continually disappointed grandfather Koro. A member of a fiercely proud and ancient Maori tribe, Pai—through a tragic twist of fate—has broken the unbroken line of male firstborn children, and hence cannot inherit the leadership of the tribe from her grandfather. …show more content…
Pai secretly learns the lessons as well, first by spying on her grandfather and later with the help of her "second born son" uncle . It becomes apparent quite quickly to everyone except her grandfather that Pai is more than worthy to take on the mantle of leadership. How she finally proves that is in a daring act of bravery that pushes the movie into the realm of the mythic. Along the way, Koro learns a valuable lesson that leadership has nothing to do with birth order or gender, mending the family, the tribe, and—quite literally—the