The disease is an autosomal disorder and
The disease is an autosomal disorder and
A diagnosis of Huntington’s disease can be very distressing for a patient and their family to receive as it has many effects.…
In the world we live in, we are vulnerable to any number of neurological disorders. One such disease is Huntington’s Chorea. Progressive and degenerative, Huntington’s causes the one’s nerve cells in the brain to waste away. This causes personality changes such as depression and anger, decrease of cognitive abilities such as learning new information, involuntary facial movements and seizures in the early stages. Later symptoms include chorea which is involuntary movements like sudden jerks throughout the body, slurred speech, dementia and many more. (Mayo clinic, n.d) ref to one world factors…
In 1872, George Huntington wrote about a disease that he and his family was suffering from. Symptoms included slurred speech, involuntary or slowed movement, and compulsive emotions and feelings. Today, it is known that this disease is a genetic disease affecting the brain, caused by the mutation of chromosome number 4, in which the codon CAG repeats over 40 times, contrary to the normal 10 to 26 times. Though it is unknown as to why this repetition causes such effect on the brain, scientists have devised methods in which it would be possible for individuals to test for the disease through genetic screening. Though genetic screening could have its side effects, it is currently the best way to take preventive measures for individuals carrying the mutation to not pass on to future generations as well as provide other personal aspects that would benefit the individual the most.…
Huntington’s disease affects the way a person moves around. The disease destroys cells in the basal ganglia, the part of the brain that controls movement, emotion, and cognitive ability. Cystic Fibrosis is a hereditary disease of the mucus, saliva and sweat glands. It affects organs like; lungs, pancreas, liver and intestines.…
The age of onset is usually between the ages of 40 and 70 years old, but can affect younger and older patients too. After initial diagnosis, patient is only given about 3-5 years to live. The only known exception to that is Stephen Hawking (renowned physicist of the University of Cambridge) who has had ALS for over 40 years and still made contributions to the fields of cosmology and quantum gravity. There are around 5,000 cases diagnosed each year and it affects about 30,000 people in the U.S. total. It has only been genetically linked in about 10 percent of all cases. Even though the course of ALS varies significantly, it usually affects both the upper and lower motor neurons (Aebischer, 2007).…
In 1995, genetically 50% out of 1,000 people in the population end up or effected by Huntington’s disease. (Phillips, Dennis H.) Huntington’s disease commonly known as HD is an inherited disease that causes certain nerve cells in the brain to waste away.(National Library of Medicine) This basically means that you lose all function of what might seem like the most simplest thing to do like walking and talking. Even raising your hand will be almost impossible to do with Huntington’s disease. This disease usually takes over your body at the ages between 30 or 40. If you get it before the age of 20 it is now called Juvenile Huntington’s disease (national liberty of medicine).…
It is caused by getting passed down from parents. HD results from genetically programmed degeneration of nerve cells, called neurons, in certain…
Neurodevelopmental disorders such as epilepsy, autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability are the common ailments in pediatric population. Most of these neurodevelopmental disorders concurs together. Genetic etiologies contributes to their occurrence in large extent. The genetic etiologies can be identified through multiple cytogenetic tests including microarrays and next-generation sequencing (NGS) which can reveal chromosomal aberrations such as copy number variations. Currently, the copy number variation tests are widely used due their efficacy in determination of the underlying etiologies especially in neurodevelopmental disorders. Although few studies investigated the predictors of the pathogenic copy number variations in individual…
A syndrome is a group of symptoms with no definite diagnosis. ("Dementia vs. Alzheimer's") A person with dementia will have a decline in their ability to think, communicate, and remember. There are many forms of dementia caused by progressive diseases such as Alzheimer's Disease, Huntington's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, and HIV. In rare cases, it is seen with drug abuse, the presence of a brain tumor, hyperglycemia, vascular diseases, and metabolic disorders. Although most forms of dementia are irreversible, there is hope for the patients suffering due to drug abuse, tumors, hyperglycemia, and metabolic disorders. Most treatments for dementia will only worsen the condition over time. The preferred plan of action is to simply manage the symptoms. On average, a patient will live ten years following the Dementia diagnosis. Much like with Alzheimer's the patient will no longer have the ability to recognize a serious medical issue until it is too…
When the disease goes undiagnosed and untreated for a long period of time, it may lead to neurological complications.…
As Lyme disease progresses, it affects different body areas in varying degrees. The bacteria enter the body from the area where tick has bitten on the skin. As the bacteria spread in the skin, the infection causes an expanding rash that comes with "flu-like" symptoms. Later, it results in problems like joint pain, heart problems, and weak nervous system.…
Some patients may experience unintentional jerking or wriggling movements (chorea), muscle problems, such as inflexibility or muscle contractions (dystonia), Slow or irregular eye movements, disabled stride, posture and balance, difficulty with speech or swallowing, feelings of irritability, sadness or apathy, social withdrawal, insomnia, tiredness and loss of energy, or frequent thoughts of suicide, and death related ideas. Due to these symptoms the social consequences of Huntington’s disease can be disastrous. Humans with this condition will slur their words to the point of total mispronunciation and have a chance of completely losing their speech. The decision making process is altered and people in the later stages of the disease have hard time concentrating on memorization. Also the the affected patients might do out of the ordinary behavior, and say things without thinking. Other symptoms can be aggression, apathy, depression, and denial(7). Patients with the disease can have children, but take the risk for passing on the genes to their offspring(10). The disease itself is not fatal, but the complications related to it can shorten the lifespan of the people affected. Heart failure and pneumonia are two common complications of the disease. Many people develop symptoms in their 30’s to 50’s and usually live from 10 - 20 years after…
The Department of Health (DOH) (2005a) state that a long term condition is one that cannot be cured but can be managed through medication and/or therapy. It usually affects older people more than those of younger years and also people in lower socio-economic groups. Additionally, the DOH National Service Framework (NSF)(2005b) although refer to long term neurological conditions, expand on this definition by adding…
The striatum in the brain is believed to play a large factor in the cause of the symptoms of Huntington’s disease. Its function is to process all of the signals within the neocortex and then pass them to other parts of the basal ganglia and frontal lobes. The parts of the brain that the striatum sends its information to are known for playing a large role in the planning and execution of a person’s bodily movement. Huntington’s disease seems to disrupt the striatum’s pathway in sending its messages, which then interferes with the parts of the brain that control movement. This pathway disruption is what causes the loss of muscle control for those who suffer from the disease. As a person is first affected, the chorea starts off as minor but as the disease progresses more damage is done to the brain, which results in an increase in the severity of symptoms. This is believed to be the reason behind eighty percent of brains belonging to those who have died of Huntington’s disease having significant atrophy to their frontal lobes. Along with a loss of frontal lobe tissue, this disease also causes a loss of striatal tissue, a noticeable amount of one hundred percent of all Huntington’s disease brains examined. Expectedly, on average a brain that has gone through the symptoms of Huntington’s disease is on average smaller than a normal unaffected…
No one knows the exact cause, but a real breakdown of the cells of the brain does occur. There is no treatment, but good nutrition may slow the progress of this lifestyle disease, which lasts about seven years in most people who have it.…