
What Are Stereotypes During Ww2

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What Are Stereotypes During Ww2
During the 1940’s, after the Japanese bombing on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese were called traitors and Asians of all race were stereotyped because everyone seemed to think that they all look alike. Even if they were not in internment camps like the Japanese, they were still thought to be evil. Even now, they are still stereotyped, even for different reasons. It’s unfair that for all these years, Asians are stereotyped into smart people who eat rice and have extremely strict parents. However, it’s not just Asians that are stereotypes. For example, Blacks are thugs and do drugs and Hispanics make tacos, are in gangs, and work in the fields. It’s not entirely the people’s fault that people’s mind are wired this way. Society has shaped our minds …show more content…
However, the biggest show of stereotyping somewhat recently was WW2. World War 2 was one of the biggest and bloodiest wars this earth has ever seen. There were hundreds of thousands of deaths that took place and it is considered to be the worst war in terms of death. The Germans invaded many countries during the war. However, since none of this affected America, the United States stayed idle in the war. But on December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor of Hawaii was bombed by the Japanese in a surprise attack against the Americans. The Americans retaliated with two atomic bombs that subsequently changed how the war went from there on out. However, after the Japanese attacked, Japanese people in America were subject to racial profiling from everybody, even the government. Every type of Japanese person was told to enter into an internment camp, even people that were born in America. They could’ve had a very small portion of Japanese in them from a very long time ago, and they still would have been forced into camps. They were forced to leave their old lives behind and drop everything for the sake of the Americans fear. The Japanese, who were living in fear in internment camps, swore to many things that were unnecessary. In the Emperor was Divine, the mother said “She’d been in America for almost twenty years now. But she did not want to cause any trouble ------- “The nail that sticks up gets hammered down”----- or be labeled disloyal. SHe did not want to be sent back to Japan. “There’s no future for us there. We’re here. Your father’s here. The most important thing is that we stay together.” (pg. 99)

Despite the fact that stereotyping is one of the biggest problems in the world, some of it can be true. In “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior,” Amy Chua gave these rules of restrictions to her kids.
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