The overall objective and purpose of telling a story is to engage with the audience to convey the meaning of a plot and create a human connection on an emotional level (Batty p292). Stories can be told in a variety of ways, and the method by which a story/narrative is told determines the way in which we connect and interact with it emotionally. Each mode of story telling is capable of presenting the same story in different ways. Humans are capable of both understanding and interpreting the different content and style associated with different modes of story telling.
For the purpose of this essay I contend that a moving image is one that is viewed upon a screen. This may include images such as photography, video or animation, which can be used to create films (long, short or continuous) or computer games. Methods of telling stories, which do not use moving images, consist of watching plays in the theatre, reading books or listening to oral/ accounts. Filmmaking is the most common way of telling a story through moving image and is a language through which meaning; ideas and messages can be communicated.
A story can be told for the first time through using moving images, or a story can be re told as an adaptation through using moving images when it has previously been told in a book or a play. It can also be a true story that people will know from history or news media. The ability to compare and contrast stories that have been told before make the advantages and disadvantages of using moving images more obvious and clear to understand.
It can be argued that there is not a right or wrong way to tell a story, merely a different way, as both types of mode (image or no image) present opportunities which the other is less able to provide.
I will start by considering story telling through moving images per se and then go on to discuss story telling through moving images where the story