Hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” is the process of drilling and injecting fluid into the ground at high pressures in order to release natural gas from shale rocks by fracturing them. It takes an abundance of resources to create just one fracking well. Each gas well needs on average four hundred tanker trucks to carry water and supplies to the site. Fracking uses a great deal of water. Each fracturing job requires one to eight million gallons of water to complete it. Hydraulic fracturing has a huge effect on the environment primarily due to all the harmful chemicals used in the process. Some people don't want to ban fracking because it reduces imports of natural gas to america and it creates jobs, but many of these workers are being injured from working on the fracking site. In addition to poisoning its workers and the environment fracking is actually more expensive than traditional drilling.…
Hydraulic Fracturing or fracking was first introduced in 1940s and has then been a key provider of natural gas and oil worldwide. Despite its expansion and customary use, fracking still poses many health and environmental concerns. During fracking, pressurized liquids are injected into drilled wells, which cause the surrounding rock to crack open allowing gas and oil flow through the fissures. Millions of gallons of water are used and a similarly large volume of waste water is generated. Most of the water is never restored and the stored waste water and fracking fluid can adversely affect the animals and vegetation around it. Along with the water, other chemicals are injected into the ground as far as 10,000 feet below the surface and enter groundwater, polluting drinking sources for many. Fracking may be a key provider of oil but this expensive, polluting, low energy-return process is not worth the loss of wildlife habitat, natural land and innumerable water resources.…
Ever wonder why earthquakes are caused? Why does water in certain areas smell or taste like a chemical gas? The most likely reason for both of these effects is fracking. Hydraulic fracturing, as known as fracking, is the process of drilling and injecting fluid into the ground at a high pressure in order to fracture shale rocks to release natural gas inside (Dong). According to many recent research studies fracking is very harmful to the environment and shouldn’t be done here in Coppell, but how so?…
One good effect that fracking has had and Gold noted, is that fracking has significantly improved our economy by creating more jobs for people. For many years our economy had suffered with plummeting unemployment rates, but about 10 years ago when fracking came about it was like a savior had come because fracking provided more jobs and in turn lowered the unemployment rate. In some ways fracking is a better alternative for the environment. Burning coal is very hazardous to the environment because of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Fracking does not produce CO2 emissions because it is natural gas that is being produced and thus it is technically cleaner…
Fracking increases the rate at which water, petroleum or natural gas can be recovered from subterranean wells. Fracking as a method for oil and gas extraction is also more economically viable than conventional or horizontal drilling. The last reason is that the process has driven down gas prices and offered gas security to both the United States and Canada for about 100 years. This is why we should keep fracking.…
While fracking is detrimental to the earth, there are also some pros presented by the practice. Many of those advantages are centred around economic practices as the US has a large quantity of shale beneath its surface. The extraction of fossil fuels at home would make the US its source of fuel opposed to being reliant on other countries which is a theme presented in Source C. As well as providing jobs to those in the gas industry. The source also tells how despite the additional environmental risk posed by fracking, it releases fewer emissions than using coal as a primary source of energy.…
I do not believe that hydraulic fracking is good for the environment because it puts toxic waste into the ground, contaminates water supplies and the accidental spills lead to much devastation, and even our groundwater gets contaminated.…
In the UK, the government wants to limit the emission of carbon dioxide, but also to increase the amount of energy that comes from renewable resources. Union targets say that by the year 2020, 20 percent – which is an average figure for the EU – of energy must come from renewable resources like wind and biomass.…
Fracking occurs when “water wells become plugged up with sand and other minerals. A machine is brought in to inject water into the well at extreme pressure to blow out the tiny cracks and fissures in the rock through which the water flow.” (Fracking Threatens Everyone) Completely harmless. Or so it seemed at that time. Today dealing with increased pollution, it contaminated this ‘wonderful’ thing. “Fracking injects large quantities of water under great pressure with sand and many toxic chemicals mixed in. Many of these are can cause cancer…Unfortunately, when fracking goes wrong, sources of drinking water ca be ruined and all different types of pollution can happen in a second.” (Fracking Threatens Everyone) Just like that, in a blink of an eye, something wonderful was turned around and causes more problems than we can…
W hy does everyone care so much about natural gas? Why is it such an essential part of modern culture? Sure, it's an exciting and up and coming technology, which is fuel for the technological generation that we've grown up in, but we need to take a closer look to see the methods and impacts that could affect generations after us.…
Hydraulic fracturing, otherwise known as fracking, is a technique used to stimulate the production of oil or gas. While fracking has aided in the plumpting of gas prices across the United States, it unfortunately causes serious health and environmental issues. Contaminated water, contaminated soil, polluted air, exposure to toxic chemicals and long term health effects. Fracking brings more harm than good.…
Some people say fracking destroys the environment but fracking provides jobs, energy to the U.S. and, it is a good way to get energy. So now fracking is not so bad it provides so much to the U.S. and to the U.S. citizens. In the end, fracking for natural gas is not a bad idea yes it has some problems but gas coupons are trying to resolve the…
Hydraulic fracturing (also known as fracking), a way of obtaining natural gas that is used today, may cause cancer and may speed up global warming’s. Fracking injects a mix of water, "chemicals, sand, and other materials into layers of shale, a type of rock" (Source 1). The injection flows down a pipe that is going through the shale. To obtain the natural gas, the pressure in the pipe causes the rock around the pipe to crack, allowing natural gas to escape. Then, the gas flows up the well and is collected. However, Hydraulic fracturing should be put to a stop, because of health concerns, and the effect fracking may have on global warming’s.…
There are still many setbacks to fracking for example earthquakes, water pollution, air pollution, and health problems that need to be worked out in order to make it the best it can be. By using different chemicals during the process of fracking can make it cleaner and less destructive to the environmental. Another way to solve the many setbacks could be to not use fresh water as apart of the mixture that is drilled into the Earth to get the oil and gas. That way we are not struggling for clean water, and getting sick from drinking water. The last solution would be to move the fracking sites away from houses, so it does not harm the people greatly. Fracking could be an amazing way of securing a new and efficient way of getting energy to use if we first fix some problems of the…
In recent times, hydraulic fracturing, “fracking” has been questioned as to its positive affects in the American society. Instead of purchasing natural resources from other countries, America wanted to produce their own natural resources, thus, the term fracturing came into existence. With this in mind, jobs are created, cleaner gas is in the ozone, money is saved for the countries overall expenses, but the process behind to reach that goal consist of risks that can become a threat to water supply, food supply, and the environment as a whole. If certain protocol and procedures aren’t put in place “fracking” can very well be a negative aspect towards energy conservation for America’s businesses, government, and society.…