Population growth is one of the biggest threats to the planet and to humanity. Nowadays people in the world have around 6,845,609,960. If we compare to the last 50 years ago the increasing of population growth is stayed on the top highest level that made all people around the world caring about. First I will show you about the cause, then I will list the consequence, finally I will tell you how we can find the solutions.
Firstly, lack of education is a big problem of population growth. Because of people lack of knowledge to improve their life parents end up having lots of children to work and support their family. The parents believe it is better to have five people bringing in income then one. The increase of birth rate also link to education because of having low education people due to lack of awareness, desire for son, and early marriages etcs. Birth rate and death rate were about the same and keep the population stable. Because of the improvement of medical make the birth rate are heights, and the decrease of death rate is also due to better technology and medical. Most culture and religion are repressed on the reproducing more people that improve the people in each society reproducing more the birth rate. Especially, Muslim cultures husbands are always on the top it’s mean that husbands are the first priority in the family. Husbands can do whatever they want with their wives, but wives have no right to oppose the husbands because of the religion and the culture. Example: wives know their husbands are engaging in unsafe multiple sex, but they still can't ask their husbands to wear condoms. And China culture wives must have son for their husband’s family. If not the husband will find new wife, so the culture in China is one of the most increasing population cultures that why China is the number one country of having the most population in the world. Agriculture