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It is common to appreciate how people become pessimist and often depressive when adversity meet their lives. According to Seery (2011) “…some theory and empirical evidence suggest that the experience of facing difficulties can also promote benefits in the form of greater propensity for resilience when dealing with subsequent stressful situations.” (p. 390)…
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Some will fail to overcome those unfortunate events, while others will be highly beneficial to our society. A near miss will be a life-long road to healing as if a remote miss will bring your self-confidence to be courageous. If our society was filled with the pessimist, our society would suffer. If allowing a patient who is terminally ill to turn to hospice, instead of treatment we are failing our society as a whole, by allowing them to subdue to their illness. One must resolve a negative thought with positive actions.…
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Rodolfo Costa once said; “Cultivate an optimistic mind, use your imagination, always consider alternatives, and dare to believe that you can make possible what others think is impossible” (Goodreads). Remaining positive has always held an important role in my life. I strive to find positives in every negative situation, and remember that I can always learn something from it. Sometimes changing the way you view a situation can make all the difference. Even through times where I have had every reason to give up, I have chosen to keep a positive attitude. I have found that when I decide to do this, it makes me significantly happier, and I take much more away from the situation.…
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The question of failure is, in fact, a success in itself. I frame my life knowing that every obstruction and challenge faced is just a lesson waiting to be learned. The circumstances that genuinely made me believe this philosophy happened when I began working at Chick-Fil-A. Starting my work at the offset of 16 I promised myself that I was going to prove to the management that I was going to progress to become one of the best. Throughout the years of working there I upheld my promise and worked my way up to become a Team Leader. The youngest Team leader ever to work at that Chick-Fil-A.…
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Bob Marley once said, "Don't worry about a thing because every little thing is going to be all right child." The words of legend Bob Marley speaks wisdom into our souls with music that good things never come to negative people. So leave everything in the hands of God. Negativity poisons the soul like a venomous snake. Positivity is the key to living a successful life. What does it mean to remain positive? If you ever get a bad grade on a test instead of getting mad, go home and study so you can be prepared for the next test. When you fall do not lay there and pout, you get back up and try again. A positive attitude is continuing to push and think positive when you have fallen and think your are done. Good karma and success comes having…
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Remaining positive during tough times not only helps to overcome challenges, but it also helps people’s health in the long run. According to a contributor from Forbes, “Pessimism is trouble because it's bad for your health. Numerous studies have shown that optimists are physically and psychologically…
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It is genuinely fascinating how prosperous individuals approach problems. Where others see impenetrable obstacles, they see problems to embrace and barriers to overcome. Their confidence in the face of hardship is steered by the ability to let go of the negative attitude that holds most individuals back. A research done by Martin Seligman at the University of Pennsylvania shows that success in life is driven by one key element, whether you have the belief that your failures are produced by your personal deficits beyond your control or that they are mistakes you can fix with effort. Success is not the only thing determined by your way of thinking. Seligman has found much greater rates of depression in people who attribute their failures to personal deficits. Positive thinking individuals fare better because they treat failure as a learning experience. They also believe they can do great in the future. Retaining the success mindset is not simple. There are things that specifically shatter it. These problems drag people down because they appear to be obstacles that cannot be overcome. However, this is not so for the successful ones as these problems never hold them back;…
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People’s health can be affected by a positive attitude because if they are sad all the time they have little to look forward to in the future. Even doctors agree that people who look at the bright side of things could potentially survive longer. In fact, “Research has found a link between an upbeat mental state and improved health, including lower blood pressure, reduced risk for heart disease, healthier weight, better blood sugar levels, and longer life” (US Department of Health and Human Services). Having a positive attitude is good for people dealing with everyday life stressors. For people in more difficult situations, remaining optimistic can be even more beneficial. Other Experts disagree with the importance of positive thinking. For example, in “The Positive Power of Negative Thinking”, the author states, “Defensive Pessimism involves learning to tolerate negative emotions in order to get things done” (Norem). She says that positive thinking is actually a hinderance to actually dealing with problems. The concern being that action not thoughts change situations. Dr. Norem states that “Defensive pessimism involves learning to tolerate negative emotions in order to get things…
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What makes a person successful? Success is the accomplishment of one’s objectives. Is a person successful once behind a screen, holding a microphone, or on a court? Successfulness is a combination of three, easily important skills. Having these proficiencies can lead in the process of personal success. Which, is an individual advancement towards happiness and proud sensations. Successfulness can be achieved through goal setting, determination, and adaptability.…
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