Should people between the ages of eighteen and twenty be allowed to drink adult beverages that contain alcohol?…
Though not all of the authors references are backed up or clearly stated as having come from an actual, truthful, or real source, he makes a strong argument. From his references to the laws in Vermont and New Hampshire, the military, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, to rates and laws in other countries as well as the United States, Voas is convincing in his argument. In the end of Voas 's article, after making numerous references as well as…
raised the minimum drinking age from eighteen to twenty-one. The impetus behind this piece of…
On a cold a February evening, a pair of adults in their late twenties to early thirties were looking for some fun. Laughing, joking, fishing, and of course, when they were fishing, they had to have alcohol involved. After fishing, they got bored and looked for some more fun. They found some enjoyment driving fast on the back roads near a lake called Patoka Lake, but what happened next was unpredictable.…
There is a huge problem with underage drinking in the U.S. Some states have already lowered the drinking age such as Maine, Massachusetts, and Michigan. One main point on why it shouldn’t be lowered is because of a higher chance of depression in teens. Second, it increases health and educational problems in teens also. Lastly, it would increase the amount of alcohol related accidents because of teens brains not being fully developed.…
In the U.S. the age of adulthood is 18. And with that comes many responsibilities and decisions that can now be made without consents. But there is still one thing a now young adult can’t decide on their own and that is if they will consume alcohol. The legal drinking age is not until you are 21 years of age. People argue that it should be lowered for it is an individual decision and 18 is old enough to make that decision. The legal drinking age should remain as is because the brain of a young adult is not fully developed till the age of 21.…
There are many pros and cons to lowering the national drinking age from 21 years of age to 19 years of age. I believe the drinking age should stay at 21 even though many of my peers feel otherwise. People under the age of 21 are drinking whether it is legal or not. They may have a fake identification or have someone purchase alcohol for them, the fact is they are drinking. When I talk with others about this topic, comments are always made such as: when a person turns 12, they can get a hunting license and carry a gun, at 16, they can get a driver’s license and quit school, at 18 they have the right to vote, serve in the military and are considered an adult. They can have a baby and get married but can’t have a glass of champagne to celebrate. I understand these thoughts and sometimes wish it was 19 but when you look at the research, it is better for everyone that every state to set the legal drinking age 21.…
“’Drinking is Fun’ and ‘There’s Nothing You Can Do About It’: The Problem With the 21-Year-Old Minimum Drinking Age” an essay by Dr. Reginald Fennell, found in the Journal of American College Health, focuses on the effects of the minimum drinking age on college students. Fennell explains the benefits of lowering the drinking and gives alternatives to the current law. This article is of interest to readers since society seems to have a strong opinion of whether the drinking age should remain the same or be lowered. When a teenager turns eighteen, they have all the legal rights of an adult with the exception of consuming and purchasing alcohol. The author feels strong about his opinion. Fennell is not only an editor for the Journal of American College Heath, but he is also a professor at Miami University in Ohio where he teaches health classes. By speaking to his college students, and also having been a student himself, Fennell knows first-hand the experiences and actions of students on college campuses.…
In conclusion, governments in many states has raised the drinking laws instead of chipping away at the right to drive, may have helped save more than thousands of lives. Therefore, in some states 16-year-old driver are getting into more accidents than 17-year-olds, and most common of all speeding…
Teenagers are not mature enough for the drinking age to be lowered to eighteen years old. Being able to drink at an early age can lead to alcoholism at more quickly. When teenagers consume alcohol it is more easily for them to drink and drive because they believe nothing can or will happen to them. All fifty states minimum age to drink is twenty-one, but in some states it is okay for people under that age to drink under adult supervision. Having to drink in front of adults brings…
When discussing an age limit for alcohol, there are many arguments for or against it. We could lower the drinking age but raise the driving age. We could raise the drinking age for everyday people and lower it for soldiers. We could keep it as is or we could try other things such as, teaching kids how to drink in the correct manor. There are so many opinions on this subject, such as the three we read about in “Back to the Lake”, but not one is necessarily correct or foolproof. I think each author made some very valid points, as do many other arguments in this matter. So, how do we decide what is best for this day and time? Which…
Another source decided to look into what the results were in New Zealand when they decided to lower their country’s drinking age to 18 in 1999. says in the article, “The review also looked at drinking habits in other countries, paying special attention to New Zealand, which lowered its drinking age from 20 to 18 in 1999. Several studies found a spike in alcohol-related car crashes and increased drinking there among still under age 16 and 17 year-olds.”(1) It truly doesn’t matter if a lower drinking age will stop people from drinking underage and driving with the law being 21. People who choose to drink underage get a ride instead of driving while intoxicated. This is also important to show you because once again it didn’t change for the good in those countries it crashes of kids who were even underage which is why it should stay 21 because it is saving…
80% of voters believed that the legal drinking age should stay the same or even be raised according to an article on “”.…
Those arguing to keep the drinking age argue that drunk driving fatalities have decreased. This is a statistical principle called confounding, where an effect is pinpointed to one cause when it could be attributed to many. Indeed, this same effect of decreased accidents due to drunk driving, which is supposedly attributed to underage drinking, has occurred in other nations where underage drinking is legal. One example of this is Canada, where the drinking age is 18 or 19 depending on province (Chafetz). Chafetz, the former chairman of the Education and Prevention Committee of the Presidential Commission on Drunk Driving who ultimately voted to raise the drinking age to 21, argues that the higher limit has not succeeded in its goal. He argues that, while on the surface the problem is fixed, there are many issues with the higher drinking age, including “assaults…, date rapes…, property damage…, [and] emergency room calls.” Since young adults don’t accept that they are not old enough to drink, the law is…
Alcohol in the hands of an irresponsible under aged person, can be deadly. Furthermore, for anyone to consider lowering the legal drinking age from 21, to 18, in my opinion is simply ludicrous. John Bowersox reports, “Since Colonial times, drinking alcohol has been part of American culture and its use by young people has been accepted by many as part of growing up. In fact, during the late 1960s and early 1970s, many States lowered the legal drinking age from 21 to 18. Following this change, the number of alcohol-related traffic fatalities among young people increased. In response to these acute consequences, beginning in the early 1980s individual States increased the drinking age to 21. In 1984, Congress passed legislation that would…