During the early 1900s law enforcement was made up of two different functions patrolling and investigating crimes. The patrol officer would patrol the community he was assigned to on foot, which made him have direct contact with the individuals in the community. The detectives would investigate the illegal crimes that were committed. In today’s society policing dangers there first concern is how they can improve the safety measures for officers. In today’s society with the use of modern technology has become worldwide in securing America’s boarders and every day policing duties. Policing has significant measures to aid officer today these measures are databases, computer ran dispatch, records management system, and mobile computing. Both Home land security and …show more content…
law enforcement need to work together. It is imperative that both home land security and law enforcement share information and departmental assistance. Law enforcement’s role in this is to be peace keepers, community outreach professionals, and to make sure that they are trained in antiterrorism.
Today’s law enforcement agencies throughout the United States are active in numerous of activities and operations, which law enforcement faces at some point during their career. Police officers greatest danger that they face is physical harm while they are working out in the community. Police officers are taught to measure every circumstance and situation that they go into. Even though they have been taught how to handle these situations there added dangers, such as the lack of sufficient backup from their fellow officers or a situation in which the regular police procedures can escalate quickly. There are also dangers related to stress from the job and personal issues that can also affect a police officer’s life. After 9/11 law enforcement throughout the United States made tremendous advancements in protecting the communities from terrorist attacks, they have also had to make adjustments and sacrifices so that they can prepare the communities form future terrorist attacks. Local law enforcement is the community’s first response to the communities fear and dangers. In emergency situations law enforcement is the first one to respond, and they need to be prepared for any situation that can occur. Law enforcement needs to have the resources to prepare themselves and the community from threats, fears, and any potential dangers from crime and terrorist attacks that may happen in their community while they are working. Law enforcement needs the proper funding so that they can continue protecting the communities that they work in.
Today’s law enforcement agencies have the equipment that helps control offenders. In instances which, the offender is considered harmless law enforcement uses nonlethal weapons. Nonlethal weapons include pepper spray, Tasers, and pepper bomb give police officers the advantages over the offender. Tasers are weapons are meant to be used as a last resort against offenders. There have been cases in which officers have used a Taser when it has been warranted. The next tool that hey use is the Orcutt Police Nunchaku III that is similar to num-chucks (OPN III). The OPN III is less damaging than num-chucks because it does not break bones. Pepper spray is also used by law enforcement. This type of nonlethal force helps control the offender. The drawback of using pepper spray is that it can affect other individuals within the same area as the offender. There is also another less than lethal weapon used and this weapon is the pepper ball that lets the agent be used from a distance instead of being near the offender. Law enforcements use of nonlethal weapons is there first attempt at trying to restrain the offender instead of using physical force.
Technology in policing has increased over the years. This has affected law enforcement tremendously over the years. This has affected law enforcement tremendously over the years. Law enforcements use of the Internet, cell phones, and mobile computers are different types of technology used by law enforcement. The Internet in today’s society is the most important tool for law enforcement when expressing information to the public. Cell phones and the use of mobile computers have helped in the communication for police that work in the community so that information can be given back and forth quickly. Today’s law enforcement use of computerized databases is valuable because it has accelerated manual filing. Computerized filing also contains large amounts of information that can be transferred back and forth. A computerized database also provides this information to be used from multiple sources. This computerized database helps providing such information like criminal history, traffic violations, and warrants. This allows for state, local, and federal enforcement agencies to receive this type of information. These computerized databases aid in useful information because they also can have statistics of crime in a particular community. Last these databases also serve as a report for police officers too. This system shows reports on how many arrest are done in the community and who made the arrests. This database will also show how many complaints are made on an officer. There are other technology aid that law enforcement use like Computer-Aided Dispatch, Compstat, Records management, and Early Intervention Systems.
Today’s Homeland Security database network lets federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies receive and pass on information. After 9/11 Homeland security increased the involvement between state and local agencies when it came to combatting terrorist attacks. There are three essential functions needed for Homeland security and law enforcement to function together. These functions are organizational change, problem-solving, and external partnerships. These functions are needed for the prevention in terrorist attacks. It is also needed for immediate response, and for dealing with fear in dealing with these issues. For society to keep moving forward the cooperation between local law enforcement and Homeland security need to improve so that communities everywhere can also improve on public safety. The relationship between these agencies also needs to have more respect for one another to work together effectively. These agencies also need to make sure that they share information with one another when being asked for so that they can continue to protect the communities and the United States.
The future of policing will constantly change, because the variables affecting it will be changing, some of these variables that will affect policing are the economy, technology, and demographics. With the advancement of technology keep moving forward police agencies need to make sure that they stay up-to-date with the newest technology so they can keep communities safe as well as Homeland security keeping the United States safe from terrorist attacks. Today’s law enforcement also needs to adapt and change along with the communities that they are working to keep crimes from happening and keep everyone safe from individual who choose to committee criminal acts.
In conclusion law enforcement has evolved tremendously since the 1900s. Today’s modern technology helps law enforcement with some of the dangers that they face on a daily bases in the communities where they work. Today’s law enforcement chooses to use nonlethal weapons pose to deadly force if they can in any situation that they may face. Police agencies and homeland security together have developed stronger ties in sharing information and using the available technology to prepare communities and the United States against crimes and terrorist attacks.
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