PSY 265
Week 7 Assignment 1
Sexuality in different stages and in different situations in life can be hard and confusing. The body goes through many changes, from mental to physical, that as people we may not be fully aware of. These changes and anxieties can happen at any point in our lives, and are, for the most part, completely normal reactions to our body’s fluctuations. This being said, there are always ways, in any type of situation, to deal with these changes and overcome these anxieties to reach the type of intimate gratification you are looking for.
In the situation of an unknowing daughter and her overprotective mother, Anna needs to discuss her feelings with her mother. She needs to explain to her mother exactly how she feels about her boyfriend, how he feels about her and what he is expecting to get from her as well as what she expects to give. By getting all of this information out in the open her mother can have a better understanding of the situation, and she will know better how to give her advice. As Anna’s mother, she needs to take into consideration their teenage hormones and explain to her daughter that these feelings are normal for every girl her age, but if she does feel these feelings about her boyfriend, she needs …show more content…
to take the right precautions to prevent unwanted problems that come along with a more intimate relationship involving sex. Condoms and birth control are topics that need to be addressed to keep Anna informed and safe. Her mother also needs to express that even though these feelings are normal, that does not mean that she should feel pressured by her boyfriend to do anything she doesn’t want to do. She should be comfortable in every situation and should not feel obligated to do something because her boyfriend wants to and she loves him. She should be told that her body, mind, and soul are hers and should be handled in a way that she sees fit.
Feelings of anxiety are normal when it comes to older couples engaging in sexual activities. As we grow older, physical, psychological, and hormonal changes happen in our bodies, and sex takes a little more work and effort than it did when you were younger. For women, after you hit menopause, your body doesn’t produce as much estrogen, and it becomes harder to become naturally lubricated or even have the energy or sexual drive for sex. The vaginal walls get thinner making sex harder because of the irritation of the bladder and the urethra, and it is this discomfort that can cause the decline of sexual desire in women. For men growing older means developing problems that can lead to gaining or keeping an erection. This can cause for added anxiety and pressure when it comes to sex. Although these problems are persistent and tend to affect everyone at a certain age, most people still feel anxiety when it comes to sex because society makes us feel that at this age with these problems, sex is wrong. On the contrary, sex is a normal part of life regardless of your age and although it may take a bit more work, it can be just as gratifying at 60 as it can at 20.
Although Bill is paralyzed, this does not mean that his sexual life is over. Depending on where his injury occurred, he could still maintain an erection either psychologically or physically. If his injury occurred in the lower part of his spinal cord, his ability to obtain an erection through physical stimulation might be impaired, but he would still be able to gain one through mental stimulation such as looking at adult magazines or films. If his injury occurred at the top of his spinal cord affecting his lumbar region, he would still be able to reach an erection through physical stimulation. In this case, he would not be able to physically feel the sexual activity, but he could still obtain sexual gratification psychologically. Bill would also need to know that just because he has a disability does not mean that he should look at himself any differently when it comes to his sexual ability. He should realize that if he is still interested in being sexually active, that there is no reason he could not be. Many people believe that once they have a life altering thing happen to them such as Bill with his paralysis that their sex life will be nonexistent. For Bill however, it can be very much alive as long as he wants it too. He still has the ability to use his hands and gain an erection through one way or another, and while things may be a little more difficult, full sexual activity and gratification is definitely still possible.
In conclusion, no matter what hand life has dealt you, there is always a way to reach what you are trying to achieve.
From the beginning stages of life where you have a boyfriend and overprotective parents, and you don’t know what to do, to the ending stages when society makes you feel like the intimate part of your life is over, you are still in control of all aspects of your life. Just because you may have been dealt a bad hand and been paralyzed all of your life, doesn’t mean you cannot ever have the type of relationships young, healthy people have. Things may a bit harder dealing with age or disability, but in reality life is hard, and nothing worth doing ever comes
University of Phoenix. (2011). Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity. Retrieved from
University of Phoenix, PSY265 website.