In this circumstance that is spreading drinking culture, I think, the hazard of alcohol problems cannot be overemphasized. Firstly, the most noticeable and prompt effects of alcohol are on the brain. Astonishingly, our brain are felt within about five minutes of alcohol being taken in; therefore, we experience drowsiness, poor coordination, slower reaction times and nausea and vomiting. Next, our body also experience several symptoms which are internal organ dehydrated after and with a headache, diarrheal, severe pain and a highly unpleasant, irregular heart rhythms, cardiac failure, variety of mental and health problems. If you not reduce drinking, and consistently drink, you can get cancer; cirrhosis to the liver; heart disease and stroke; cognitive problems and dementia. In addition, some groups of people are much more vulnerable to alcohol. They include women, unborn children, children and adolescents, older people, people who take medication of drugs and people experiencing the ‘flushing response’ (Justin, 2011, p11-12)
Even though it follows bad effects, why people do not reduce drinking? There are some reasons. First, drinking has become normative. It means that whether it’s occasions, drinking is following; for instance, a school activity, a sport event, hanging around friends or just a