Part A Here are three website addresses that I think provide accurate and credible information on the effects of caffeine on one’s health: - - - e_Health_Effects_Of_Caffeine_a801.html
Part B In general, the type of websites that I would go to for credible information on this topic (effects of caffeine on one’s health) would be government websites and/or websites dedicated to one’s health with licensed doctors and clinical experts on staff. Examples of websites solely dedicated to the health and well-being of humans would be WebMD and the Mayo Clinic. The reason I would go to websites dedicated to one’s health and well-being to obtain nutritional and health related information would be because I would fully trust and believe what the staff had to say, due to the fact that they are experts in their field of study (Mayo Clinic, 2011) and on the topic at hand. They would have very few, if any biases and their sole focus would be to educate and inform people to live healthier lives. I believe that government websites are credible because they are