Gravity separation is often said that the re-election, it is the relative density, particle size, shape differences between be separation of mineral particles and their media (water, air or other relatively high density liquid) movement in the rate and direction different, so that the mutual separation of mineral processing methods. Gravity separation is also used for sorting iron ore and manganese ore, is also used to deal with some non-metallic ore, such as asbestos, diamond, kaolin. Flotation processing non-ferrous metals such as copper, lead, zinc ore, gravity separation method of pre-sorting to remove coarse gangue or wall rock to reach the initial enrichment.
Gravity concentrator new technology is the formation of the joint operations of the fine sieve and magnetic agglomeration process, a fine sieve to control particle size, based on magnetic agglomeration work mainly with the process is reliable, simple structure, convenient and energy efficient features. In particular, is most appropriate for a single magnetic ore was heterogeneity disseminated. Magnetic reunion re-election process guarantees in the case of the concentrate grade and the same substantial increase in the ore powder production, or production quality of both improved to some extent. This is mainly the high accuracy of the device separation can effectively isolate the mixture of gangue and concentrate lean ore selected the living body can be put to coarse-grained, qualified concentrate, thereby improving the sorting process.
Gravity separation of the main purpose of dressing tablets in accordance with the density. Therefore, in the process of sorting, should be focused on the wisdom to create favorable conditions to reduce the size and shape of the mineral particles on the sorting results, so