Introduction Social welfare is about how people, communities and institutions in a society take action to provide certain minimum standards and certain opportunities. It is generally about helping people facing contingencies. Nowadays, there are some problems affected to Hong Kong social welfare system. The key object of this project is to find the main problems associated with the social welfare system and how government carries out to tackle these issues.
Current situation Hong Kong has more and more concern about the social welfare nowadays. Mainly is the aging problem. Comparing with other countries, the characteristics of Hong Kong’s social welfare system seems to be more simplex. In Hong Kong, there is no legislation on specific welfare, although the Hong Kong Government already officially launched the long-fermenting government health insurance plan, but still need time to process.
Hong Kong is the freest and stable economic market, the whole economic market seems to be controlled by the corporation, so that Hong Kong Government no need to spend so much money for it but have more money to care about the social welfare to fix the social problem. But as more and more serious social problems, Hong Kong Government mostly aim on the poor people and neglect the middle bourgeoisie.
Hong Kong’s tax system is more simplex then other countries mainly are profit tax and salaries tax.