How does the melting of glaciers affect people? Here's how. Around billions of people depend on river systems that include glaciers in them. Melting glaciers will cause river runoff and this will seriously affect the areas in which people live. A lot of people live on The Alps. Around 14 million people. If the alps glaciers were to …show more content…
Shrinking glaciers in Alaska are caused by thousands of years of global warming all around the world. The reduction of glaciers in Alaska is a huge problem because the water that melts off of the glaciers every year adds up to be about 75 billion metric tons which causes the sea level to increase more and more each year. The vast shrinking of glaciers can cause the sea level to rise and cover islands and will cause the water to increase along the beaches and shorelines which drastically cause the shorelines to recede. The melting has become a detriment towards animals around Alaska because they are forced to leave or even die because of the change in temperature and landscape. Nowadays, global warming has caused shrinking glaciers in all places. All of these shrinking glaciers and changing temperatures have been caused by too much burning of fossil fuels around the world. If tourists and photographers and even everyday people could use less fossil fuels, then the glaciers would stop melting and Alaska could actually be filled with glaciers, like it’s supposed to