Conformity can be used in many negative ways like a person changing who they really are just to fit in. When one is forced to be like by others part self respect is lost because never should a person to like something because they have to. “You lose something priceless and precious when you are forced to be like everyone else” ( The sadness of conformity). With conformity one can never be itself because there is really not a voice to be spoken from “You were made to feel that there was something wrong with you if you didn’t think, look like, or act the same as others”( The sadness of conformity). …show more content…
If everyone can stop making crimes and follow all the laws. .
Conformity is made to fit in with different situation, whether it is good or bad. It is also not just the body choices that uses Conformity but also life choices. “Conformity doesn’t only concern our bodies and faces; it is also present in our life choices”(The Sadness of