Susan Calloway
June 22, 2014
Kathleen Mitchell
The human body is an anatomical position that divides the body into planes. Three main planes are frontal, sagittal, and transverse planes. These planes divide the body into front, back, right, left, and top and bottom. Anatomical terms are like reading directions on a compass, these terms are useful studying the anatomy it provides a line of communication to avoid confusion when identifying structures. Body planes are used to specify sections or regions of the body. This approach is common when studying particular organs and its surrounding functions. Body cavity is a hollow space surrounded by organs. There are five body cavities; cranial cavity, spinal cavity, thoracic cavity, abdominal …show more content…
The body systems are gastrointestinal system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, blood, lymphatic system, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, urinary system, male genital and reproductive system, female genital and reproductive system, endocrine system, eyes, ears, nose, and throat system(McGraw). This approach would be useful when studying the respiratory, cardiovascular, and urinary systems. Each one these systems can cause issues for one of the other. The final approach is medical specialties the practice of medicine and the different departments that make-up the hospital and other medical facilities All medical specialties includes anatomy, physiology, diseases and conditions, labs and diagnostic procedures, and medical and surgical procedures. A medical specialist are used when primary care physicians need detailed information on an illness or out of their practice scope. The patient is suffering from chronic migraines, they will see a neurologist because they specialize in the study of the brain and cranial