2. The original reason for probation was to keep somebody who committed a crime out of jail. Jails are getting so overpopulated, so it is a way to make some room. Probation is also a way for …show more content…
The original reason for parole was to release inmates before they completed their sentence. With overcrowding taking place this was a great way to open room. Once the inmate is released they will be under the supervision of a parole officer. The parole officer will help them stay on a good path. They do have certain rules to follow.
4. The United States has the highest rate of imprisonment.
5. Some factors that have increased the cost of imprisonment are the increasing number of geriatric offenders. Geriatric offenders need special equipment such as wheelchairs. When dealing with older inmates you have extra medical costs because they are older. You also must deal with more major disease processes.
6. Front-door programs were made to help with overcrowding. They are a type of intermediate punishment that lets being in trouble go out into the community, they only catch is they must follow strict guidelines. The backdoor programs are a program that resembles military boot camp. It helps with the overcrowding and it helps bring structure into these criminal's