
What Are The Relationships In The Taming Of The Shrew

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What Are The Relationships In The Taming Of The Shrew
The book The Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare portrayed the different types of love between men and women showed by the two main relationships in the story. We have the relationship between Katherine and Petruchio and the relationship between Lucentio and Bianca. The structure for each of the two relationships were built on two different nature of love. Based on how the story ends, we could agree that Shakespeare did the right thing by trying to show us that the relationship built solely based on lies and deceptions would not last long, but a long-lasting love still requires some lies and disguises to make it last for a lifetime because the nature of love itself could not last long without any initiatives to keep it long lasting.
Love in
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These might be true in love stories, romantic plays and love songs, but love was different in the real world compared to the love in people’s fantasy. Shakespeare tried to show us in the book what true love was through what happened between Katherine and Petruchio. Kate was initially a hard-headed, harsh woman who, in some sense, tried to act manly. Then, there was Petruchio, who was a macho character, the man of all man. Their relationship does not have a good start, but as soon as they warmed up to each other, they changed bit by bit. At most part, their relationship was built based on honesty, but at certain moments, they could possibly be putting up an act to get what they long for. An example was when Petruchio being unreasonable when he kicked out the tailors with the excuse that their dress was horrible and unsuitable for Kate even though she liked it. Besides that, he also kept disagreeing with everything Kate said during their travel to the wedding. From these two examples, Petruchio may seemed to be as an insufferable man for most people and was seen to be difficult to deal with, but that might not be his true self. Instead that was perhaps …show more content…
He acted that way towards Kate to make her into an obedient wife. He put up this act to get what he, as a man, desired. He also did it to make their relationship last longer, because he obviously knew he cannot maintain a relationship with the shrew Kate. This might be true because in the end, he did seem to truly fell in love with his wife. The same thing might happen for Kate. As she got married, perhaps she realized that she could not dominate her husband by being ‘manly’ towards. She saw that all Petruchio wanted from her was for her to be a faithful, obedient and beautiful wife. She knew that by giving Petruchio what he wants, she could dominate him, and thus that was possibly why she changed her attitude. In return, she would obtain protection and comfort from Petruchio because his strong and rich character could provide these. The husband and

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