Like their Italian contemporaries, the Nazi Party destroyed labor unions and left-leaning political opposition. Regarding unions, the Nazi Party eliminated strikes and protests while installing their own party based group through the German labor Front (DAF). Furthermore, the Nazi Party mimicked Stalin’s five year plan with a “Four-Year Plan” that envisioned an increase in government authority over workers to include wages, production, and employment mobility. Added to their controls over labor, the Nazi Party also moved to accelerate Germany’s recovery from World War I and the Great Depression. Similar to Russian and Italian approaches, Germany engaged in large industrial projects like the Autobahn, founded powerful government agencies and ventured into strategic industrial sectors to better insulate the state from perceived threats abroad. Finally, as reflected in Italian agriculture, the Nazi Party instituted a policy of autarky that failed German farmers, causing them to sink deeper into debt and inhibited
Like their Italian contemporaries, the Nazi Party destroyed labor unions and left-leaning political opposition. Regarding unions, the Nazi Party eliminated strikes and protests while installing their own party based group through the German labor Front (DAF). Furthermore, the Nazi Party mimicked Stalin’s five year plan with a “Four-Year Plan” that envisioned an increase in government authority over workers to include wages, production, and employment mobility. Added to their controls over labor, the Nazi Party also moved to accelerate Germany’s recovery from World War I and the Great Depression. Similar to Russian and Italian approaches, Germany engaged in large industrial projects like the Autobahn, founded powerful government agencies and ventured into strategic industrial sectors to better insulate the state from perceived threats abroad. Finally, as reflected in Italian agriculture, the Nazi Party instituted a policy of autarky that failed German farmers, causing them to sink deeper into debt and inhibited