
What Are The Similarities Between The Yellow Wallpaper And Silk Stockings

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What Are The Similarities Between The Yellow Wallpaper And Silk Stockings
The nineteenth century was an extremely sexist time period. As we all know, women have always been treated in a certain way, had to live up to certain standards, and please others before themselves. The threes stories “The Yellow Wallpaper”, “The Story of an Hour”, and “Silk Stockings” are all examples that reveal some of the sexism during this time. The three stories compare and contrast in many different ways. Each story expressed how life was as a woman, their struggles, and even what was going on in their minds. Each story has a different perspective and the readers may have a different perspective as well, but this essay will be about the stories comparisons from a girl’s perspective. Starting with “The Yellow Wallpaper”, the story is about a woman who is suffering from what is now Postpartum Depression after the birth of her child. During this time knowledge of Postpartum was nonexistent, so her husband who was doctor, diagnosed her and wanted her to rest. As a part of her treatment her husband would keep her in a room, and would restrict …show more content…
Mrs. Mallard has a heart condition that could kill her instantly from shock. Mrs. Mallard receives news that her husband has unfortunately died, and she isn’t really processing it at first. As time passes she is getting support from her sister, and her husband’s friend until she is better. After grieving, something in Mrs. Mallard lit up. She was starting to feel free! She’s excited to make her own choices, and not have to worry about anyone besides herself. She begins to imagine what her life is going to be life, and how positive this change is going to be. Mrs. Mallard’s excitement is soon cut short after going downstairs, and seeing her husband walk through the door. The sight causes Mrs. Mallord fall onto the floor and die. The doctors reported that she died from happiness and joy, but it was from pure shock after seeing her

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