Student No: 14872628
Essay Question: Give and explain three reasons why African slaves were brought to North America before American independence in 1776?
Word Count: 1630
Depleted land in Barbados forced planters and slaves to establish new sugar plantations in the southern states of North America. With this move came the discovery of an untouched and fertile continent ripe for colonisation. European nations raced to secure a piece of the new world. This new land provided an opportunity to strengthen the economy of the European nations thereby giving them the means to protect their empires. Initially slaves were required to fulfil the labour demand of setting up colonies in North America. This included building …show more content…
Slaves in the Ottoman empire were used for the day to day running of households or as concubines to provide legitimate heirs9, 10. Some slaves would be taught the appropriate cultural skills for their intended location. This might include such things as Jewish dietary laws, singing, dancing and new languages. In the Ottoman Empire the demanding physical labour was carried out by tenants rather than slaves. Tenants would pay a percentage of their profit to their master9. Slaves in the Ottoman Empire were more commonly captured during raids or campaigns10. Religion provided some motivation for taking slaves in the Ottoman Empire as a means for gathering more followers. The intention was either to convert them or punish them for their sins if they would not convert. Conversion did not necessarily result in freedom. However a converted slave could now marry someone of the same religion giving them a slight rise in status10. Jews and Muslims maintained similar structures in that Slave could freed after a set period of time – usually one or two years. A slave might also be able buy their freedom if they could produce the original amount they were purchased for10. None of these ideals prevailed in North America. Instead the priority for physical labour determined the type and number of slaves being brought from