250-word essay that answers the following questions: What are your specific entrepreneurial accomplishments, and how will these accomplishments add value to the Babson MBA program?
In April ‘10, while pursuing a full-time job at Infosys Technologies Ltd, I started a door to door car cleaning service “Wiped Clean Car Washers”. I ran this service for four months
It seemed to be a good initiative to begin with but soon several problems cropped up. The local labor union pressurized me to stop the service as most of my employees were immigrants to the state and hence it was detrimental to the interests of the locals. I agreed that my employees were immigrants but they had been residing in the state for the past four to five years It wasn’t easy to bring them around, but I argued with them patiently and persistently. Eventually they relented.
The business picked up and was booming when I started facing many labor related issues. To support the growing customer base, I needed to employ more workers, which were hard to find. The increasing workload and the pressures on the limited staff dented the business growth. Moreover, some of my employees were distracted and swayed by better employment opportunities. This complicated matters and called for more personal attention on my part. I tried to devote more quality time, interacting with my employees and motivating them through added incentives and other measures. I managed to make the most of the situation and ensured the financial viability and smooth continuance of the business for some time. But, simultaneously I was working full time to earn my living at ….and that was my first priority. When things seemed to be slipping out of control or rather doing justice to both the tasks proved almost impossible, I took a hard decision and shut down my