
What Caused The Industrial Revolution

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What Caused The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was a time of new: new inventions, new factories, new profit, new causes of death, new pollution, new child laborers, new types of abuse, etc. The Industrial Revolution was when the world started to urbanize. During this time, countries profited because there were now new ways to manufacture something faster and much more efficiently. However, the tradeoff was disease, child labor, pollution, and abuse that also happened. The Industrial Revolution weakened countries by boosting country’s welfare at the expense of it’s citizens.
Firstly, the Industrial Revolution severely polluted the areas surrounding all the factories. Cholera surfaced because of unclean water supplies in London. For example, in 1854, over 500 people were killed from cholera. Dr. John Snow attempted to document and therefore, find the cause of cholera. Along with cholera, typhoid and typhus were also prevalent during this time. They are caused from contaminated food and water and poor hygiene. Additionally, there were terrible living conditions because of the lack of hygiene and space. Many of the homes were built haphazardly on the banks of the River Thames. Also, because of the poor sewer systems, lots of fecal matter made it into the water sources and onto streets.
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Due to the new factories, profits of companies soared, which, in turn, made industries grow. As Alexis de Tocqueville stated in his document about the Industrial Revolution “[from] this filthy sewer pure gold flows” which means that even though the city was disgusting, it still makes money by selling goods. People were now buying stocks to support businesses. Not to mention that production was now more efficient, new jobs also helped speed up processes. During this time, new inventions soared, such as the spinning jenny and reliable steam engines. The new inventions made the industry advance and made production

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