References: Avery, D, Tonidandel, S, Griffith, K, & Quiñones, M 2003, 'The impact of multiple measures of leader experience on leader effectiveness: New insights for leader selection ', Journal Of Business Research, 56, 8, p. 673. Brotherton, P 2013, 'Leadership: nature or nurture? ', T+D, 2, p.25, Business Insights: Essentials, EBSCOhost, viewed 10 October 2014. Dragoni, L, Tesluk, P, VanKatwyk, P, In-Sue, O, Moore, O, & Hazucha, J 2014, 'Developing Leaders ' Strategic Thinking Through Global Work Experience: The Moderating Role of Cultural Distance ', Journal Of Applied Psychology, 99, 5, pp. 867-882. DERUE, D, & WELLMAN, N 0001, 'Developing Leaders via Experience: The Role of Developmental Challenge, Learning Orientation, and Feedback Availability ', Journal Of Applied Psychology, 94, 4, pp. 859-875. Goffee, R, & Jones, G 2010, 'THINK AGAIN: WHAT MAKES A LEADER? ', Business Strategy Review, 21, 3, pp. 64-66. LEUTNER, F, AHMETOGLU, G, AKHTAR, R, & CHAMORRO-PREMUZIC, T 0001, 'The relationship between the entrepreneurial personality and the Big Five personality traits ', Personality And Individual Differences, 63, pp. 58-63. Marsiglia, A.J, 2005, ‘The relationship between leadership and personality’, available from, (accessed on 10-10-2014 at 23:00). McCauley, C. D., DeRue, D. S., Yost, P. R. and Taylor, S. (eds) (2013) Developmental Experiences: More Intentional for More People, in Experience-Driven Leader Development, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., San Francisco. Mukunda, G 2012, 'Great Leaders Don 't Need Experience ', Harvard Business Review, 90, 10, pp. 30-31. Mukunda, G, Sessions, M, Kader, A, Konstadinidis, A, & Gibson, K 2012, 'The Best Leaders Have Short Résumés: Interaction ', Harvard Business Review, 90, 12, p. 18. Robison, J 2013, 'Experiences That Help Emerging Leaders Grow ', Gallup Business Journal, p. 2. Watkins, MD 2012, 'How managers become leaders: the seven seismic shifts of perspective and responsibility ', Harvard Business Review, 6, p. 64.
References: Avery, D, Tonidandel, S, Griffith, K, & Quiñones, M 2003, 'The impact of multiple measures of leader experience on leader effectiveness: New insights for leader selection ', Journal Of Business Research, 56, 8, p. 673. Brotherton, P 2013, 'Leadership: nature or nurture? ', T+D, 2, p.25, Business Insights: Essentials, EBSCOhost, viewed 10 October 2014. Dragoni, L, Tesluk, P, VanKatwyk, P, In-Sue, O, Moore, O, & Hazucha, J 2014, 'Developing Leaders ' Strategic Thinking Through Global Work Experience: The Moderating Role of Cultural Distance ', Journal Of Applied Psychology, 99, 5, pp. 867-882. DERUE, D, & WELLMAN, N 0001, 'Developing Leaders via Experience: The Role of Developmental Challenge, Learning Orientation, and Feedback Availability ', Journal Of Applied Psychology, 94, 4, pp. 859-875. Goffee, R, & Jones, G 2010, 'THINK AGAIN: WHAT MAKES A LEADER? ', Business Strategy Review, 21, 3, pp. 64-66. LEUTNER, F, AHMETOGLU, G, AKHTAR, R, & CHAMORRO-PREMUZIC, T 0001, 'The relationship between the entrepreneurial personality and the Big Five personality traits ', Personality And Individual Differences, 63, pp. 58-63. Marsiglia, A.J, 2005, ‘The relationship between leadership and personality’, available from, (accessed on 10-10-2014 at 23:00). McCauley, C. D., DeRue, D. S., Yost, P. R. and Taylor, S. (eds) (2013) Developmental Experiences: More Intentional for More People, in Experience-Driven Leader Development, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., San Francisco. Mukunda, G 2012, 'Great Leaders Don 't Need Experience ', Harvard Business Review, 90, 10, pp. 30-31. Mukunda, G, Sessions, M, Kader, A, Konstadinidis, A, & Gibson, K 2012, 'The Best Leaders Have Short Résumés: Interaction ', Harvard Business Review, 90, 12, p. 18. Robison, J 2013, 'Experiences That Help Emerging Leaders Grow ', Gallup Business Journal, p. 2. Watkins, MD 2012, 'How managers become leaders: the seven seismic shifts of perspective and responsibility ', Harvard Business Review, 6, p. 64.