The titles and character’s names in each novel hints to the reader of the enigmatic characters’ identities and conflict with society. The opening lines contrast Bulgakov’s exactness (minuteness) and Puig’s narrative flow. Unlike to Puig’s work, The Master and Margarita’s title concentrates on the love story of two protagonists, whereas Kiss of the Spider Woman suggests (insinuates) a contradictory meaning, which doesn’t, become clear until the end. Moreover every name in The Master and Margarita clues the reader of that character’s qualities. For example, Bulgakov names the protagonist “the master” his name is never capitalized, hence it’s not a name, this generalization demonstrates that he’s an everyman artist. Like Bulgakov, the master suffers from
The titles and character’s names in each novel hints to the reader of the enigmatic characters’ identities and conflict with society. The opening lines contrast Bulgakov’s exactness (minuteness) and Puig’s narrative flow. Unlike to Puig’s work, The Master and Margarita’s title concentrates on the love story of two protagonists, whereas Kiss of the Spider Woman suggests (insinuates) a contradictory meaning, which doesn’t, become clear until the end. Moreover every name in The Master and Margarita clues the reader of that character’s qualities. For example, Bulgakov names the protagonist “the master” his name is never capitalized, hence it’s not a name, this generalization demonstrates that he’s an everyman artist. Like Bulgakov, the master suffers from