Key inquiry question To what extent was the Mabo decision significant for the development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ rights and freedoms?
Sub-questions 1) Who are the key figures involved?
2) When was the Mabo decision made?
3) What significant events led up to the Mabo decision and what caused it?
4) How were the people affected and what were the implications?
5) Why did the Mabo decision happen?
STEP TWO: Write a rationale: The Eddie Mabo decision is historically significant. The Eddie Mabo decision is commemorated on the 3rd of June as Mabo Day. The Mabo decision purged the idea of “Terra Nullius” and then created the Native Title Act, which allows Aboriginal and Torres …show more content…
The most useful source for my 5 sub-questions is sources 6, 1 and 3. Source 6 demonstrates what occurred after the Mabo decision took place which relates to the question: “How were the people affected and what were the implications?” After the Mabo decision, the Native Title Act was made 1 year later and it was created to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have rights to certain land because of their traditional laws and customs. To answer sub-questions 1 and 3, source 1 is most useful for demonstrating Eddie Mabo’s land claims and background information. However, the source’s perspective is pro-Mabo because it’s a reconciliation charity. Although, it is the most useful source since it displays what significant events led up to the Mabo decision and how it was caused. Eddie Mabo learnt he didn’t claim ownership of Mer, the government did. It was then suggested that Eddie Mabo should create a case to claim land rights. Source 1 answers sub-question 1, “Who are the key figures involved?” which are Eddie Mabo, Benny, Noel Loos, Henry Reynolds and the High Court. Furthermore, source 3 helps to answer sub-question 5. Eddie Mabo developed a hand-drawn map of Mer Island which got accepted as honest evidence in the High Court, the map illustrated how Eddie Koiki Mabo owned Mer as it displays the traditional property boundaries that were inherited because of their customs. Therefore, the sources are most useful for answering sub-questions as its informative and it demonstrates 3 key factors: how Eddie Mabo believed he had traditional rights of Mer, how “Terra Nullius” impacted people and validates the causes of events including background information. The sources that are considered ‘most reliable’ are sources 3 and 6. As shown, source 3 displays the perspective of Eddie Mabo and the Meriam people. It demonstrates their motives as they wanted to prove indigenous land rights existed and that Murray Island was