I like:
I listen deeply to the caller.
I gave space for them to reflect and answer the questions.
I wanted to be sure that I understood the situation.
My attitude was to serve the clients, to be present and available for them
I didn’t like:
To repeat what the client was saying (e.g. one liner in first facilitation, .. ) .
The question about the season
I didn’t get the one liner correct
I didn’t say correctly One-belief-at- time instead I said One-at-time-belief.
I made few grammar mistakes.
I didn’t ask for the specific …show more content…
What new insights did listening to the recording give you? Please describe.
I perceived that I was nervous. That I felt overwhelmed during difficult client facilitation.
The noise of the pen while taking notes.
The inconsistences in my voice.
On a scale of 1-10 (1 low—10 high), as a facilitator, how receptive, available, and open were you? 6
2. As you listened to the feedback received during class or from your One-for-One partner, what feedback did you resist or feel hurt over? What were you believing at the time in order to feel that way?
. “ I find difficult to understand due to your accent” Belief: everybody has an accent. There is not a standard accent. All of you have different accents.
. “ You didn’t explain how to fill up a one-belief-at-time ws”. Belief: I didn’t have the time to explain everything. Also it is clearly explained in the sheet. The instrucctions are to response to the questions and to guide client into facilitation, and it is what I tried to do.
. “You asked to repeat the one liner more than once”. Belief: I wanted to be sure that I got the one liner right (so I won’t make the same mistake again). In the one liner was a word that I could not pick it up. The sound quality wasn’t