
What Did Douglass And Bolívar Mean To Be Free?

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What Did Douglass And Bolívar Mean To Be Free?
Multiple people can have the same, underlying idea about something, even if they are each coming from separate backgrounds. One thought can bring millions of people together, who without that thought would have almost nothing in common with the others. In these five documents, all the writers have one common thought; everyone should be free and have equal rights. The writers have that common theme, but yet each individual focuses on a different aspect of freedom, and equal rights depending on who the writer is. Most of the documents do not focus on the equality and freedom of an entire population of humans, but more on the equality and freedom of women or of a particular race. Their ideas of freedom and equal rights depends on how “free” they …show more content…
I do not think that Douglass and Bolívar would have criticized Stanton for basically wanting the same thing they do. All of those people want equality, even though Douglass and Bolívar want it between races and Stanton wants it between genders. I think any of them would have been satisfied if equality between races would only advance if equality between genders advanced as well. I do not think each of the goals in the documents have been completely achieved yet, but I definitely think we, as nation, are gradually making progress towards race and gender equality. Even though there are still forms of slavery in America, there are now rules and harsh consequences for people who are caught. Interracial relationships are slowly becoming more accepted, and women are gradually taking on larger roles in the political, economical, and social aspects of life. Despite making these remarkable advances, I do not think we will truly ever reach complete and absolute equality. There will always be some individuals who still have the mindset “us against them” when it comes to race and even gender

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