Plato: You all live in a life of lies, you have never seen the truth. Not like how I have.
Ibn Tufayl: And how have you seen the truth?
Plato: I have left “the cave” that you are all living in. I have climbed out and can see the light of the world while you can only see the shadows that are cast on the wall.
Ibn Tufayl: What do you mean by shadows?
Plato: The shadows are the base level of understanding in our world and that is what most people will ever see.
Galileo: Would you say that the bible are some of those shadows? …show more content…
Galileo: The Catholic Church uses the bible to control people, and those people take it as pure truth.
Plato: Yes, I would say that those are shadows for the masses of people.
Ibn Tufayl: How does one get out of the cave? Can we just get up and walk out?
Plato: Most people can’t, they see the shadows on the wall and think that is the only thing that is true. Once they get up and look around, they cannot believe it because they are being told that everything that they knew is a lie.
Galileo: Yes, when people try to contradict the bible, these people try to prove it undoubtedly false and by every possible means.
Plato: They would rather live their lives by believing in falsity than expanding their minds that contradict what they were taught.
Ibn Tufayl: And what is something that they believe in and that is