Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………. 1
What is Workplace Violence…………………………………………………………………2
How to Prevent Workplace Violence……………………………………………………….. 3
Who is Affected by Workplace Violence…………………………………………………….4
Why is There Violence in the Workplace…………………………………………………….5
In times of growing stress and overworked employees, violence in the work place has been a growing concern among employers and employees alike. Often as individuals head into the work force, we want to know the meaning of workplace violence, the leading causes, and what tactics that can help reduce the violence are.
Most violent acts can be avoided if the businesses would take a little more precautionary measures. The businesses should listen to what the employees have to say and pay attention to what is going on in and outside of the workplace in order to have a head start on violent acts that can be discouraged before they even occur. Even though some violent acts cannot be stopped most of them can and should for the simple fact that every time a violent act occurs in the workplace it costs that business time and money which can be detrimental as the violent acts accumulate.
What is Workplace Violence Initially workplace violence can be characterized as violence, physical abuse or threat, the causing complications with an employee or employees. In consistence with data collected by the Bureau of Labor Stats, 17% of occupational fatalities were caused by people and animals; 10% of work place violence grew so tremendously between 1992 and 2010 with a reported total of homicide victims of 13,827, which is seventy victims a year (Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 2011). Most of the workplace fatalities happen to males, however, workplace violence primarily affects the female population. In comparison, the male population experience 9% of occupational
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