Aristotle and many philosophers focus on our telos and function as humans.
Telos is a greek word that refers too fulfillment and completion. Meaning an end or purpose in our life. What is our goal in existing? And what is our purpose? A mans function is what sets us people apart from other animals. Our ability to contemplate is one of the highest of human activities. The function of man is to keep their soul active while still having reason. Acting with reason is acting with virtue. According to Aristotle the end or purpose is happiness. “Happiness, then, is found to be something perfect and self-sufficient, being the end to which our actions are
(Aristotle, Ethics pg.15,) Happiness is the only good that is desired for its own sake; and it is only for the sake of happiness that we feel desire for other classes of goods. Aristotle puts goods into three different categories “some are described as external, others as relating to soul or to body; we call those that relate to soul most properly and truly goods”. (Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics p.12) The three types of goods are: 1. goods valued for their own sake and not for the sake of something else, 2. Goods that are not valued for their own sake and only for the sake of something else, and 3. Goods that are valued for their own sake and for something else. The types of goods one chooses to pursue in his life can determine happiness and eudaemonia. The term eudaimonia was coined to lay out the ingredients of true happiness in three parts. Essentially the three parts are faring-well, doing-good, and doing-well. One must fare well in soul, do good deeds, and do good deeds well. Happiness occurs in the soul and to achieve and sustain happiness this eudaemonia must be exercised and continued through a lifetime. The main problem with humans that Aristotle points out is that a lot of us have a completely false idea of what happiness consists of. Aristotle shows us some common conceptions of happiness, he mentions the life of pleasure, the life of political activity, and the philosophical life. An important thing to realize is that happiness is not consisted of just one thing or moment but being active in virtue. While virtue itself can not be exercised without the presence of some essential goods. Some examples of these goods are friends, health, and family. Happiness also can not be achieved without some activity that allows one to flourish and be self sufficient. Aristotle has a lot to teach us about how to live our life and how to do it right. We must all be aware and learn of the things in this world that make us truly happy and the things that are false happiness and just consists of pleasure. The term eudaemonia is a great term to base your life and activities off of. Happiness does not just consist of one thing but many important things that must be exercised throughout ones lifetime.